Saturday, December 23, 2017

Are Tight Muscles Holding You Back?

Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal teamed up to present Unlock Your Hip Flexors, a simple “flow” to open your hips. Tight hip flexors are a common issue for people who sit down a lot. In other words, everybody.

Can a program that only takes 10 minutes a day actually make a difference? We purchased the program to test it out for ourselves. This review will tell you what we think of it, and whether you should check it out for yourself.

What Are Your Hip Flexors?

According to Rick Kaselj, your hip flexors are also known as your “psoas” muscles. These muscles connect your torso to your legs, and are involved in practically every movement your body makes.

When we spend a lot of time sitting the psoas tends to stay short and tight. This leads to chronic tightness and forces the rest of your body to compensate, causing poor posture. Unfortunately, being physically active outside of school or work isn’t enough to undo the damage.

What Problems Do Tight Hip Flexors Cause?

In the program Rick Kaselj discusses the different ways tight hip flexors can affect your life. As he says in the book, if we want to function well then our hips must also be well-functioning.

The most common problem caused by tight hip flexors is low back pain. There is even a medical term for lower back pain due to tight hip flexors: psoas syndrome.

But it turns out tight hip flexors do more than cause back pain. He explains in the program several other ways tight psoas muscles affect our lives:
  • impaired fight-or-flight response – the psoas naturally gets activated during fight-or-flight, but this gets diminished if your psoas is chronically tight)
  • bad posture – when hips are tight, your body compensates in unnatural ways, leading to poor posture and all its related problems
  • restricted motion – if you have tight hip flexors, you simply can’t perform certain motions (like hip thrusting) correctly, which can cause many problems including in the bedroom
  • workout plateaus – Rick Kaselj has testimontials of people who have immediately broken through weight room plateaus after unlocking their tight hips
  • risk for injury – working out when you have tight hip flexors will only make problems worse and could lead to many types of injuries
  • fatigue – movement creates energy, so sitting for 8+ hours each day causes you to have less energy even when you’re up and moving around
  • hurts your sex life – not only do tight hip flexors make it hard to perform basic movements with your partner, they also make you tired and stressed, both of which make performance even more difficult

About the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program

Unlock Your Hip Flexors provides a simple and straightforward set of movements that are designed to loosen and strengthen your hips. The movements are done in a sequence which he calls the “sequential flow”. If done correctly, this flow is supposed to help correct the tightness and imbalances caused by sitting too much.

The sequential flow method is based on current research as well as Rick Kaselj’s many years as a physical therapist. Although some of the stretches and exercises are well-known, Rick says it’s the specific sequence that’s most important.

The sequential flow is a combination of static stretching, dynamic movements, and strengthening. It takes just over 10 minutes to complete. Rick recommends doing it at least once each day, at least when you are first starting out.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors: The Pros

  • The sequential flow is designed by a highly reputable physical therapist and strength coach
  • It’s easy to complete; no equipment is necessary and it just over 10 minutes to complete
  • The book and videos get right to the good stuff – you won’t have to get bored listening to a bunch of useless information
  • All the movements are safe as long as you follow the instructions
  • The flow is relatively easy to complete. You certainly do not need to be in top physical condition to benefit from this program
  • The Unlock Tight Hamstrings bonus is equally simple and straightforward, and is probably much-needed for those of us who do lots of sitting
  • It has a 60-day money back guarantee, in case for some reason the program isn’t for you

Unlock Your Hip Flexors: The Cons

  • Even though it’s easy to complete, you still have to make time each day to do the flow. Doing it every once-in-a-while could still be good for you, but you’ll get the most benefit if you do it regularly
  • You might need to update your video player on your computer in order to watch the videos
  • If you have serious hip or back injuries, you should see your doctor before trying this program

Final Thoughts

Problems caused by poor posture don’t get enough attention. We usually think about diet and exercise as the keys to good health, but bad posture can ruin your health even if you do workout and watch what you eat. If you spend a lot of time sitting you almost certainly have posture problems that you need to address. Rick Kaselj’s program can go a long way toward fixing bad posture.

The program does require some effort on your part. But considering how much time you’ve spent sitting throughout your life, setting aside 10 minutes each day to undo the damage doesn’t seem like much. The nice thing is that you can give it a try without risk because of the 60-day guarantee.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Healthy And A Balance Diet

The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie- What is it about?

One of the major diseases, that have been affecting the people at large, is Diabetes. It is a chronic condition that is very dangerous and stays for life, but with The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie, you can treat this condition and revert back to normalcy. The book contains a 30- day plan to treat diabetes and reverses the condition permanently, that too, without taking any expensive medication or therapy. If you follow this book, you will see the effects within a few weeks. The book could prove to be a milestone if you are serious about eradicating this disease.

The 7 Steps to Health system in detail

According to Dr. max Sidorov, the biggest problem lies in the health system and the pharmaceutical companies. Instead of treating the diabetic patients, they are busy in drilling holes in the pockets of their patients. 

The doctor’s advice the patients to buy expensive medicines, invest money in taking injections and undergo surgical procedures. These things benefit the doctors and harm the patients. By these means, the doctors make money for themselves and for the pharmaceutical companies. 

They hide the cheaper ways of curing diabetes, from the patients and benefit the pharmaceutical companies. In this book, Dr. Max has brought out all the truth about the medical system and the pharmaceutical industries in the context of treating diabetes. The book has brought in light, all the lies that the medical facilities have been telling the patients suffering from diabetes, for their good and to benefit the pharmacies. 

Dr. Max pays emphasis on a healthy diet which is loaded with nutrition to treat diabetes. He says that one can win over diabetes without eating medicines and pills if he takes a nutritious meal. He has designed a completely natural way of combating diabetes. The procedure is easy to follow and falls easily on the pocket too. 

The main guide of the system is compartmentalized into 20 parts and 540 pages. They contain infinite information about nutrition and also highlight the facts and truth about diabetes. The book is full of knowledge on diabetes. It contains each and every information about diabetes that a diabetic patient deserves to know and that doctors hide from them. The book asks the patients to eat healthy food and follows a healthy lifestyle to curb diabetes. 

Inside the 7 steps to health book, you will find a 30- day plans to treat diabetes. The plans involve very simple and easy to follow steps that will help you to eradicate diabetes without taking any expensive medicine. The only rule is to follow the steps strictly.

The book focuses on nutrition and food. It shows the readers, how to plan the best and nutritious meal. The 7 steps to health book also tells you, which food items are best for you. The book will ask you to consume the food products that are low in fat and cut all the unhealthy fat from your diet. 

The steps mentioned in the book will also help you to build a strong immune system that will give you the strength to fight other diseases and will lower the risk of developing diabetes and other dreadful diseases. The book will motivate you to live a healthy life. 

The best about the book is that it has specified all the natural measures to treat diabetes. DR. Max Sidorov has encouraged the patients to incorporate all the natural nutrients into the meal and cut down the synthetic and chemical food.

Benefits of The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie

  • The book tells you everything that you need to know about diabetes. Following the measures, stated in the book, you will experience the changes in just a few weeks.
  • The book teaches you to regulate the insulin resistance, blood sugar level, block neuropathic pain, prevent blindness and other serious health issues.
  • The steps are practical and easy to follow.
  • The book has framed the measures to reduce the cholesterol levels by 25- 30 percent.
  • The book will motivate the patients to adopt a healthy and nutritious diet and perform exercises.
  • The book comes with a 60- day full refund policy. So, now, you can try the book and notice the effects.


The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie will tell you the best food, exercises, and lifestyle modifications you need to make in order to curb diabetes. The book has specified all the natural and easy ways to fight diabetes.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Science Based Diet Plan

The creator of this plan, Brian Flatt, read more than 500 medical studies and reviewed hundreds of diet plans to create what many think is one of the best plans ever invented.

What is the one thing ever dieter is looking for? (Besides a "lose fat while you sleep" pill) Quick results!

Nothing is more frustrating than faithfully sticking to a diet, only to find that, for all your efforts, you lost 1 pound. Check out Brian’s own words; "
For a diet to be successful, I truly believe that the diet must produce visible and significant results fast."

Why 2 Weeks?

Why just 2 weeks? Because, in the long run, very few people will stick to a diet much longer if they aren’t seeing results.

This eating plan is designed to burn fat fast; as much as 16 pounds, in just two weeks! Other diet plans take 4 or 5 months to accomplish this!

A Science Based Plan

Flatt goes into quite a bit of detail and gives a lot of scientific evidence to explain why this diet works.

For example, he talks about your BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the amount of calories your body is going to burn every single day, just to keep you alive. Every breath you take, digesting food, swallowing, making hormones, even if you just sat there all day, it all takes calories, much like a car.
The plan explains to you how to calculate your BMR so you can discover if you are eating far too many calories.

Every person who wants to lose weight is told that all they have to do is to eat less and exercise more, but this doesn’t work out well for most people because they never take their BMR into consideration.

How Does it Work?

The plan is broken down into a four part system. It combines planned fasting and fat fasting to help breakdown stored fat. While the body can live without carbohydrates, it functions well on a high protein, high fat, and low carb diet.

The plan explains in detail how to properly consume protein shakes and supplements, so that they encourage your body to breakdown fat for burning, as well as helping you to keep a positive mental outlook.

What’s Included in The 2 Week Diet

  • You will start with the Launch Handbook, which goes over the science behind weight loss and why this plan works.
  • Then there is the actual Diet Handbook, which details what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat.
  • The Activity Handbook, as you might imagine, is a detailed exercise plan designed for those with limited time. This is a super practical guide that teaches you quick and easy workout routines.
  • Last, the one thing every dieter needs, a Motivational Handbook. A proper mindset is just as important as what you are eating. Brian gives you science based methods for control and focusing on your goals, which helps to keep you motivated.

The Pros

  • Super fast results (as much as 16 pounds in just 2 weeks!)
  • Fits into even the busiest lifestyle.
  • Easy to use and understand
  • Guaranteed to work or your money back.

The Cons

  • No personal supervision
  • Books are digital EBooks only, which means you need your computer nearby to see the exercises, or you are going to need to print it yourself.
  • Not affordable for some people, however, there are coupons and discounts if you spend a little time online looking for them.

The Bottom Line

Is it really possible to lose 8 to 16 pounds in 14 days? If you read the testimonials on Brian Flatt’s site, it certainly seems possible. Many people claim that they lost 20 pounds.

For those who want to lose weight quickly for an upcoming event, this plan appears to be a winner. Flatt has done quite a bit of research and the ideas he presents seem quite sound.

Perhaps best of all, Flatt has a 60 day money back guarantee. This means that if it doesn’t work, at least you aren't out anything other than 2 weeks of your time.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Diet and Exercise Tricks to Control Diabetes

Nowadays, Diabetes has become a very common problem, Heath. There are two main types of origin diabetic type 1 diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin and type 2 in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is produced does not work properly diabetes. Thousands of people are diagnosed with diabetes each year. 

7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie is the best program of the Diabetes created by Max Sidorov. It is a single holistic system covering a treatment plan for diabetes tested, and this plan can help users to prevent diabetes and completely treat your condition within a few days. This product is packed and completely natural product, without drugs and surgery so no secondary and security products very effects.

What is the 7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie?

7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie is easy to use a guide, which strives to bring you the latest scientific discoveries and new methods of treatment of health in an easy to read and use format. This is a comprehensive program that promotes change positive lifestyle diabetics through diet modification, regular exercise, and weight control. The book talks about certain foods that can cause or worsen diabetes. This program full of information that can help people improve their health dramatically and reverse type 2 diabetes permanently in just several weeks.

7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie will provide you with numerous natural and healthy ways to get your diabetes under control, without the need for drugs or medicine. From this program, you will learn ways to reduce the symptoms of diabetes as much as possible and eventually you will be able to eliminate completely and permanently.
  • The ICTM helps you take your health into your own hands by assembling scientific literature in easy to read and understand the health guidelines.
  • This program has already been used by tens of thousands of people around the world to alleviate their problems and regain their health.
  • 7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie about the variety of safer, cheaper and faster than other medications, injections or surgery to treat diabetes and beat your methods.
  • It will completely reverse diabetes, normalize blood sugar and were removed all medicines and injections.

How Does The Big Diabetes Lie Work?

7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie is for anyone who suffers from diabetes if you have been diagnosed or has lived with the disease for a long time. It helps increase your energy level and your body to operate normally. This program gives you lots of instruction and basic treatment for their health problems. 

The immune system is the greatest remedy against these health problems. This valuable program objective is to completely eliminate diabetes. This program has been helpful for millions of people around the world to combat and reverses diabetes effectively. The program is suitable for anyone of any age, regardless of any medical condition, disability. These approach forces changes in lifestyle and specific diet, you have to do to make this treatment more effective.

What Will You Learn From 7 Steps To Health And The Big Diabetes Lie?

  • You will learn what foods are best to eliminate diabetes and how you can naturally regulate blood sugar and boost your immune system.
  • 7 Steps to Health And The Big Diabetes lie Program will educate you how to naturally and safely eliminate diabetes.
  • In this program, you will learn how to lose weight quickly and effectively, while finally getting the blood sugar level under control for good.
  • This program will give you clear step by step instructions on how to cure diabetes and what you do and do not cause the problem of diabetes.
  • Learn which foods and additives are causing thyroid imbalance and how it can easily improve your thyroid function by adding this mineral to their diet.
  • Using this program, you will learn how you can strengthen your immune system by changing some things in your diet.
  • your diet. your diet. your diet.

2-Week Diet & Exercise Program


Nutrient-dense, low calorie foods are the secret to losing weight and keeping it off. Your goal for the next 2 weeks is to choose foods that have the highest nutritional value. This means choosing foods that are rich in nutrients and low in calories. Try to aim for a balanced diet that includes whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins at every meal.

Whole foods are the best form of nutrition. The term "whole foods” refers literally to food in its whole form, with minimal processing to keep it as close to its original form as possible. For example, visualize a whole apple and compare this to a glass of apple juice. The juice on its own does not contain the skin, seeds or fleshy center. However, the whole apple offers all the goodness of the entire fruit and consequently offers greater health properties. This example applies to most all foods, so choosing "whole foods” over processed foods means you get the richest supply of nutrients possible.

Color is important! Antioxidants called "polyphenols” are responsible for the brightly colored pigments (vibrant reds, greens, blues and purples) of many fruits and vegetables. By keeping your food choices colorful, not only do you get a gorgeous looking meal, but you’ll also benefit from the positive health impact these colorful foods provide.


Always eat breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After fasting for 8 hours through the night, the body relies on sustenance in the morning for physical and mental energy and focus. Ideally you should eat breakfast within an hour of waking to stimulate metabolism. If you are not accustomed to eating food this early in the day, try (at least for the next 2-weeks) to eat a very light but nutritious breakfast to help you get going in the morning.

Lunch should be the biggest meal of the day. This is when your digestive enzymes are maximized and your body is primed to break down and absorb food nutrients. Having your largest meal in the middle of the day provides your body with the calories that it needs to stay active.

Dinner should always be light and early. Try to finish your evening meal before 7pm or at least two hours before going to bed. It is important to give your digestive system a rest during the night-time and to allow your body to repair, regenerate and detoxify. In order for your metabolism to function at its most efficient, it relies on this nightly restorative process to keep your body operating at optimum levels.

Snacking is allowed during the 2-week bootcamp. Eating a small snack in between lunch and dinner can help to maintain balanced blood sugar levels and to restrict overeating.


The following meal plan provides 1250 calories per day. This diet is scientifically designed for healthy weight loss over the course of 2-weeks. Below is an overview of the basic dietary guidelines, outlining the daily amount of food that is allowed from each food group. You can mix and match food items throughout the day (being careful not to exceed your caloric goal) or you can simply follow one of three pre-designed menus below.

Dietary Guidelines

Fruit: 1 cup (1 cup is equivalent to: 1 cup of fresh/frozen/canned fruits, 1 cup fruit juices, ½ cup dried fruits)(Healthy options include: apples, pears, mangoes, grapes, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, pomegranates)

Vegetables: 1.5 cups (½ cup is equivalent to: ½ cup of raw/cooked/frozen/canned veggies, ½ cup vegetable juice, 1 cup of leafy greens)(Vary your choices to include: dark green veggies, orange veggies, starchy veggies, dry beans and peas)

Grains: 4 ounces (1 ounce is equivalent to: 1 cup of cereal flakes, 1 slice bread, 1 small muffin, ½ cup cooked rice, 1 ounce dry pasta)(Choose whole grains whenever possible)
Meats and Beans: 3 ounces (1 ounce is equivalent to: 1 ounce lean meat/poultry/fish, 1 egg, ¼ cup cooked beans, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, ½ ounce nuts/seeds (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds))

Milk: 2 cups (1 cup is equivalent to: 1 cup milk/yogurt/soy milk, 1½ ounces of cheese)(Choose low-fat or non-fat options whenever possible)

Oils: 4 teaspoons (1 teaspoon is equivalent to: 1 teaspoon butter, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (olive oil is preferred), 1 teaspoon low- fat mayo, 2 teaspoons light salad dressing)

Menu #1
Breakfast (8am – 9am)
½ cup oatmeal
1 cup yogurt
black coffee or herbal tea
Lunch (11am – 1pm)
1 slice whole wheat bread (cut in half)
2 ounces tuna (in water only)
Tomato, cucumber, lettuce (equivalent to ¾ cup total)
1 teaspoon mayo + 1 teaspoon olive oil
Snack (3pm – 4pm)
1 cup of fresh fruit or 1 piece of fruit (apple, pear, plum, peach, etc)
Dinner (5pm – 7pm)
1 corn tortilla
½ cup black beans
½ cup salsa
1 ½ ounces cheese
½ cup shredded lettuce
½ cup cooked rice

Menu #2
Breakfast (8am – 9am)
Smoothie (blend together 1 cup berries + 1 cup soymilk and ice cubes)
1 slice of toast
1 teaspoon of butter
Lunch (11am – 1pm)
1 cup cooked grain (such as white rice, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, millet, etc)
¾ cup vegetables (such as steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc)
2 ounces of lean meat (roughly the size of ½ deck of playing cards)
Snack (3pm – 4pm)
1 egg or ½ ounce of nuts/seeds
Dinner (5pm – 7pm)
1½ cups of leafy greens (salad mix or steamed kale)
2 teaspoons light dressing
1½ ounces of cheese

Menu #3
Breakfast (8am – 9am)
1 cup high fiber cereal
½ cup milk/soy milk
1 banana
Lunch (11am – 1pm)
1 cup pasta
½ cup vegetables or ½ cup pasta sauce
2 teaspoons of olive oil
2 ounces of lean meat
Snack (3pm – 4pm)
1 cup raw carrot sticks/celery/green peppers
Dinner (5pm – 7pm)
6 crackers
1 cup low-fat cottage-cheese
½ ounce mixed nuts


  1. Plan out your weekly meals in advance.
  2. Drink 8 or more glasses of water per day. And drink at least one glass of water before every meal to help decrease appetite.
  3. Avoid temptations! Clear out your fridge and pantry of all food items that can derail your diet plan.
  4. Eat slowly; chew each bite thoroughly and put your fork down between bites. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that you're full.
  5. Cook for yourself at home and resist the urge of eating out.
  6. Try new foods whenever possible; it allows opportunity to bring variety to an otherwise restricted diet.
  7. Add spices or chiles to your food for a flavor boost that can help you feel satisfied.
  8. Brush your teeth after each meal so you won’t be tempted to snack.
  9. Sleep 8 hours per night. Research shows that lack of sleep can stimulate appetite and lead to overeating.
  10. Keep your eye on the ultimate goal!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

16 Lbs Within 14 days?

What Is It?

The 2 Week Diet was created by weight loss expert Brian Flatt. It is a new weight loss program that promises to help you lose weight faster than anything you’ve tried before.

The program claims to work by utilizing fast and safe fat burning methods to assist users in getting significant weight loss results in 2 weeks. It specifically claims that it can help you lose up to 16 pounds of body fat within 14 days of going on the diet.

My thoughts on this: Losing 16 pounds in 2 weeks may seem like an extreme goal when it comes to weight loss. And for some people, it may not be a recommended approach.

But the fact is extremely fast weight loss can be achieved safely if the plan you are following is designed with the right principles. Also, if you have a lot of fat to lose, an extreme diet plan may just right for you. The only time you may really want to worry about consequences of fast weight loss is when you are already lean and using no strategy maintain muscle and keep the metabolism running.

The 2 Week Diet incorporates special protocols to promote fast weight loss and minimize the side effects that could occur from the extreme approach. So although the diet is promising radical weight loss, it is designed with some solid strategies to make the process safe and healthy for the users.

Is Bryan Flatt’s 2 Week Diet A Scam?

The 2 Week Diet system author, Brian Flatt, is a known name in the weight loss industry. Brian Flatt is the author of some other popular weight loss programs that have received lots of positive feedback. While there are some people who disapprove of the extreme methods used in Brian’s weight loss programs, there are a large number of users of the programs who are happy with the results they got.

Remember, a weight loss diet does not have to be more complicated than it is. Any diet that has a calorie deficit will make weight loss happen. Therefore, you can take any diet and customize it to suit you and you’ll lose weight once you keep the calorie deficit.


  • The program is easy to learn and understand. Following the instructions can be done by anyone easily.
  • It gives you a step by step plan to follow. So you don’t have to waste your own time researching and putting pieces together.
  • Includes special protocols to optimize the weight loss process and help you avoid negative consequences of fast weight loss.
  • The 2 Week Diet has a rising popularity rating which is a good indication of users positive feedback on the program.
  • Digital product: You can begin within minutes of making the decision to buy.
  • A 60-day Money-Back Guarantee covers you if you decide during that period that the program is not working for you.


  • The sales page contains hype like “fastest diet you’ll ever use” to market and promote the product. Though this does not heavily affect the legitimacy of the product, some people may see this as too much hype.
  • A digital program like this would be complemented well if it had videos included.


To have a program that is designed to help you lose a lot of weight in 2 weeks and works with special methods that are designed to make the process safe, the 2 Week Diet is recommended to anyone who is interested in losing some pounds quickly. But you can buy and try it while being protected with CB’s refund policy.  There is a 60-day money back guarantee that comes with each purchase.
If you are not yet ready to buy any weight loss products but want to start losing some excess fat with free information, click here to become a lean muscular body insider to receive free fitness info and resources.