Monday, December 9, 2019

Adopt a healthy lifestyle through good nutrition and exercise.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle through good nutrition and exercise.

Plan activities over a period of three to six months to help girls learn healthy lifestyle habits. You could ask a competent and experienced person in your ward, branch or community to help you plan activities. You could plan a last activity at the Young Women's Camp that would include planning and preparing nutritious meals, and participating in physical exercises. This last activity could also take place in a setting other than the Young Women's camp, for example participation in a race or triathlon.

Here are some activity ideas that can help you gain these healthy lifestyle habits:

General health:

Discover the elements of good health. As a class, develop a plan for good habits, health, and improvement.

For 12 weeks, watch and limit the amount of time you spend playing video games, playing on your cell phone or computer, watching TV or watching movies.

Ask a health professional or competent person to talk to the girls about the benefits of sleep. If necessary, help the girls to plan to sleep enough.

Plan, organize and take up the challenge of living a healthy life as a Young Women class. This challenge could include eating nutritious meals or improving one's physical abilities.
Physical activity and good eating habits:

Organize a party or a sporting activity where young girls can learn new skills.

Discover the best way to do regular physical exercises and do it. Write down what you eat, your exercises and other sporting activities over a period of twelve weeks.

Ask a dietitian to tell your class about portions and habits that are appropriate for a healthy diet. Develop a plan to improve your diet.

List and describe walking trails, bike paths, and other ways to exercise in your community. Use some of these ways to become accustomed to regular exercise.

Organize a sports activity, such as running, triathlon or an eight-kilometer bike race. Observe all safety precautions for the activity.

Organize a hike for your class.

Ask a health professional or other expert to talk to your class about eating disorders or other unhealthy eating habits. Plan to make good eating habits in your life.

Drug awareness:

Learn about addiction and other addictions and learn to avoid and overcome them. Ask an expert to teach your class the principles of addiction treatment.

Participate in a campaign in your community and volunteer to distribute information on the harmful effects of tobacco, drugs or drunk driving.