Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Unexplained weight loss: what can be the causes?

Unexplained weight loss: what can be the causes?

Digestive or inflammatory diseases, eating disorders, depression ... Weight loss can be explained by somatic or psychological problems. A nutritionist doctor and an intern in psychiatry take stock.

Weight loss is a concern when you lose 10% of your weight in a month. This is the case for a person who goes from 60 to 54 kg in 30 days.

Somatic or psychic, many causes may explain involuntary weight loss. Dr. Nina Cohen-Koubi, nutritionist and psychomatician doctor as well as L. Florion, intern in psychiatry detail them.

Somatic causes of weight loss

To determine the cause of unintentional weight loss, it is necessary first to check the food intake. If they have not changed, then the problem is more likely to be physical.

In this case, the weight loss may be related to:

Digestive diseases: this is particularly the case with the presence of parasites in the intestines such as tapeworm, gallbladder problems or pathologies that cause diarrhea or vomiting.

Inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease (inflammation of the digestive system) or ulcerative colitis (affecting the rectum and left colon also called RCH). These conditions result in diarrhea and pain, which can lead to weight loss.

Allergy to gluten: to treat it, it is necessary to avoid the gluten contained in many foods (breads, pasta, wheat). The patient can then lose weight.

Hormonal problems: the metabolism increases, the food is immediately burned, they are not stored.

Some infections like pneumonia where the appetite can be reduced. It is a mechanism put in place by the body to better fight against infection.

Cancers can be responsible for a loss of appetite, the body having less strength. But it depends on the age, the individual, and the type of tumor.

Some medications, such as oral antidiabetic drugs, are accompanied by weight loss.

Some treatments where it is necessary to heal, to reduce or ignore families of food. When patients need to return to a balanced diet, they may have difficulty regaining their fitness weight. Their bodies are no longer used to absorbing these foods.

Psychic causes of weight loss

On the contrary, if nutritional intake has decreased, the most classic causes may be either psychic or related to the socio-economic context.

Anorexia nervosa: this eating disorder (TCA) mainly affects young women who are attentive to their weight and calories, also prone to dysmorphophobia. Because of the misperception they have of their bodies, some do not notice their weight loss.

Depression: Weight loss is one of the symptoms of this mood disorder with fatigue and decreased motivation to perform daily tasks. Patients with depression experience less pleasure in eating and / or losing appetite.

Bipolar Disorders: Weight loss is not a symptom of diagnosis, but loss of appetite can be seen in patients with this other mood disorder. Some people are prone to a depressive episode (same symptoms as depression), or more rarely to be in a manic or hypomanic episode. They are then over-active psychic and physical, resulting in negligent weight loss meals or no feeling of hunger.
Schizophrenic disorders: when the disease is not stabilized, some patients lose touch with reality and are subject to delirium sometimes in connection with food, thinking for example that their food is poisoned. They do not feed or little.

Following an emotional shock: after the loss of a being, a break, it can happen that a person loses appetite and reduce portions. In general, this sensation does not last long.

Age: the elderly, especially when they are isolated, no longer feel the urge to cook or eat. The risk of falling into depression is greater. They can also lose certain senses such as smell or taste and no longer enjoy eating.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Adopt a healthy lifestyle through good nutrition and exercise.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle through good nutrition and exercise.

Plan activities over a period of three to six months to help girls learn healthy lifestyle habits. You could ask a competent and experienced person in your ward, branch or community to help you plan activities. You could plan a last activity at the Young Women's Camp that would include planning and preparing nutritious meals, and participating in physical exercises. This last activity could also take place in a setting other than the Young Women's camp, for example participation in a race or triathlon.

Here are some activity ideas that can help you gain these healthy lifestyle habits:

General health:

Discover the elements of good health. As a class, develop a plan for good habits, health, and improvement.

For 12 weeks, watch and limit the amount of time you spend playing video games, playing on your cell phone or computer, watching TV or watching movies.

Ask a health professional or competent person to talk to the girls about the benefits of sleep. If necessary, help the girls to plan to sleep enough.

Plan, organize and take up the challenge of living a healthy life as a Young Women class. This challenge could include eating nutritious meals or improving one's physical abilities.
Physical activity and good eating habits:

Organize a party or a sporting activity where young girls can learn new skills.

Discover the best way to do regular physical exercises and do it. Write down what you eat, your exercises and other sporting activities over a period of twelve weeks.

Ask a dietitian to tell your class about portions and habits that are appropriate for a healthy diet. Develop a plan to improve your diet.

List and describe walking trails, bike paths, and other ways to exercise in your community. Use some of these ways to become accustomed to regular exercise.

Organize a sports activity, such as running, triathlon or an eight-kilometer bike race. Observe all safety precautions for the activity.

Organize a hike for your class.

Ask a health professional or other expert to talk to your class about eating disorders or other unhealthy eating habits. Plan to make good eating habits in your life.

Drug awareness:

Learn about addiction and other addictions and learn to avoid and overcome them. Ask an expert to teach your class the principles of addiction treatment.

Participate in a campaign in your community and volunteer to distribute information on the harmful effects of tobacco, drugs or drunk driving.

Monday, September 30, 2019

U.S. Government Finally Admits Cannabis Really Does Kill Cancer Cells

Cannabis Really Does Kill Cancer Cells
Cannabis Really Does Kill Cancer Cells

Numerous people believe cannabis to be a successful cancer cure.  
By federal law, possessing cannabis is illegal in the United States unless it is used in approved research settings. Yet, a growing number of states, territories, and the District of Columbia have passed laws to legalize medical mariju*na. 
Cannabis contains cannabinoids, also called phytocannabinoids, which cause drug-like effects in the body, including the central nervous system and the immune system.

The main psychoactive cannabinoid in Cannabis is delta-9-THC, while another active cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), might alleviate pain and lower inflammation without causing the high of delta-9-THC.
The website of The National Cancer Institute, which is part of the US Department of Health, indicates that ‘cannabinoids may be useful in treating the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment’.
The website also adds that no ongoing studies of cannabis as a treatment for cancer in people have been found in the CAM on PubMed database maintained by the National Institutes of Health. Yet, small studies have been done, but their results have not been reported or suggest a need for larger studies.

Cannabis and cannabinoids have been studied as ways to manage side effects of cancer and cancer therapies, including pain, nausea, appetite loss, as well as pain, and anxiety.
The National Cancer Institute suggests that laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells. They may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, inhibiting cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow.
Yet, researchers added that at the time, there is a lack of evidence that recommends patients to inhale or ingest cannabis as a treatment for cancer-related symptoms or side effects of cancer therapy.
Cannabis has been commonly used by patients diseased with some type of cancer as a way to alleviate pain in numerous US states where it is legal for medicinal application. 

However, The Cancer Research Charity cautiously explains that there isn’t enough reliable evidence to prove that cannabinoids, whether natural or synthetic, can effectively treat cancer in patients, although research is ongoing around the world.
Therefore, even though cannabis and its derivatives may help to alleviate disease- and therapy-related symptoms, there is still no clinical evidence of its anti-cancer efficacy.

Medical mariju*na can help with certain conditions, and research is ongoing into what kind of positive effects it can have on various diseases, including cancer.
 It has been recognized as one way of dealing with nausea caused by chemotherapy.
Also, one 2014 study on using cannabinoids and radiotherapy to tackle aggressive brain cancer has shown promising results, but we are still at the “inconclusive evidence” stage.
The FDA says that the claims that certain CBD-based products can kill off cancer cells or combat tumors in any way are simply unfounded, and companies should stop advertising them as anything close to being cures for cancer.
Yet, the FDA also points out that we still don’t know enough about cannabis, but the recent moves to legalize it urge scientists to gather detailed evidence about its effects on our body.

The agency also published a consumer update on its website to address some of the numerous claims surrounding this prevalent cannabinoid and attempts to dispel the notion that it is some kind of risk-free miracle drug. 
On the website, the FDA claims that it recognizes the significant public interest in cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds, particularly CBD, but there are many unanswered questions about the science, safety, and quality of products containing it. Therefore, they now work on answering them.
It adds that CBD products are still subject to the same laws and requirements as FDA-regulated products that contain any other substance. Moreover, the FDA explains that it has not approved the use of any other CBD product that the one prescription drug product used to treat rare, severe forms of epilepsy.