Sunday, November 14, 2021

Natural Beauty Tips for Face Whitening

 Natural Beauty Tips for Face Whitening

Everyone wants fair complexion for this they use readymade fairness creams easily available in market but mostly they damage your skin and these cream fair the skin temporarily. Market products consists on chemicals that cause pimples and The solution of this problem is to adopt natural beauty tips for face whitening that has no side effect on skin. For this purpose here we are sharing some best beauty tips in Urdu and English for skin fair. Follow these tips and make your skin fair.

Beauty Tips For Skin Fair

Turmeric is the easiest and one of the best beauty tips for face whitening. Mix 1 Teaspoon of Turmeric and 3 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice to make a paste. Apply this mask three time daily and wash it after 15 minutes for excellent skin.

Face Whitening Tips For Girl

Apple is use for fair complexion. Alpha Hydroxy acid in apple lighten skin color. To make homemade cream for face beauty you need Apple, Milk and Lemon juice. Dip peeled on apple in a cup of milk for 20 min. Blend it to make a paste. Keep it in the fridge for 10 min. Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into the paste. After mixing it apply it on face. Wash the face after 15 minutes. This homemade remedy has magic effect for face whitening.

Homemade Remedy For Skin Whitening

Lemon and Cucumber are used for skin whitening. Mix the equal quantity of lemon and cucumber juice. Apply it on face. Wash after 10 minutes. Use this remedy daily for skin whitening. This will magically makes your skin glow and fair.

Beauty Tips For Skin

Orange juice is good for skin you can use it for natural skin toning. Vitamin A and Vitamin C present in orange juice can help to make skin clean. Take 3 spoon of orange juice and apply this juice on face with the help of cotton. Wash it after 5 min. Use it regularly for smooth and glowing skin.