Saturday, May 12, 2018

Newsweek stokes false hope with ‘cure for baldness’ based on preliminary evidence

hair loss

Our Review Summary

This news story hyped lab findings as evidence that a potential “cure” for baldness could be on the horizon. Researchers at the University of Manchester in the U.K. found that a substance called Cyclosporine A (CsA), which has been used to treat immune disorders and transplant rejection, affected a protein that stunts the development of hair follicles. They then identified an osteoporosis drug called WAY-316606 that has a similar effect on hair follicles in the lab, but could potentially have fewer side effects than CsA.

The story didn’t say anything about the quality of the study and misleads readers about the implications and timeline.

Why This Matters

Hair loss is extremely common and can be distressing, but it’s not harmful. News stories that trumpet early findings on this topic should explain up front that potential advances are years away, if they come at all. The headline and early paragraphs may create false hope.