Wednesday, January 31, 2018

3 Week Diet Review - 4 Things You Need to Know!!

Only Three Week Diet Review - 4 Things  necessary  to Know!!

If you haven’t looked carefully at The 3 Week Diet, now’s your chance. Here at Diet Spotlight   we dug deep and created a comprehensive review, examining the ingredients, side effects, customer service and scientific research. Furthermore, we focused on dozens of user comments from all over the internet. Lastly, we compacted all of the facts and feedback to give you the information you need.


As the name suggests, The 3 Week Diet is a weight loss program designed to help you lose between 12 to 23 pounds (5 to 10kg) of body fat over the course of 21 days. If you have more to lose, you can simply to continue the diet beyond this period.
While the program is suitable for anyone looking to lose weight, irrespective of age, body type or experience level, it is particularly well suited to those seeking quick results who don’t have time/patience for long, complicated plans, or who have been let down by other diets which have failed to deliver real and sustainable results. Busy parents, single moms, new and experienced dieters alike are all ideal candidates for The 3 Week Diet.

1.            What is the 3 Week Diet?

First off, the 3 Week Diet plan claims to help you drop 12-23 pounds in only 21 days. This program is suitable for women and men of all ages, and it was created by Brian Flatt, a personal trainer, and nutritionist. According to Flatt, this is the fastest diet on the market today. To get started, you simply download the eBook from the website, which costs $47. A specific eating plan and some exercise are required. However, all of the foods involved are readily available in local grocery stores.

2.          3 Week Diet Complaints – “Another Drawback”

We found some discouraging dieter comments posted on the web regarding The 3 Week Diet meal plan. One individual stated, “Not worth the $47. I wish I had saved my money.”
“Didn’t do what I wanted. On to the next diet program,” said another person.
According to our research, if there is a certain part of a diet program or weight-loss system that is especially bothersome (unrealistic weight-loss claims, too many dieter complaints, bad taste) the chances of prolonged success are not good. So, if The 3 Week Diet does cause a high number of dieter complaints, this could be a major dilemma.

The 2 Week Diet

3.            The Science – “Is There Any?”

Sadly the official website for The 3 Week Diet does not present any solid science to support this weight-loss method. Naturally, this is discouraging; especially for us at DietSpotlight because we need to see some documented clinical research that supports the program. 

4.            The Bottom Line – Does the 3 Week Diet Work?

Now the moment you’ve been waiting for: our bottom line on The 3 Week Diet. First off, we like that this diet is backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee and there are some dieter testimonials posted on the official website. However, we have some reservations about it because it’s not backed by any actual science. Also, we’re concerned about the unrealistic weight-loss claims, as well as the customer complaints we found posted on the web.
If you’d like to drop more weight, then we advise you to go with a diet plan or supplement that is backed by solid science, gives you plenty of bang for your buck and does not make unrealistic weight-loss claims.
Among the best products we’ve seen this year is one called Burn HD. Its formula is a unique combination of four ingredients, which have been proven in documented clinical research to help elevate metabolism and enhance fat loss. Also, we have not found any talk of unpleasant side effects and comments on the internet indicate people see solid results.

The 2 Week Diet