Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Isagenix Review

What is Isagenix?

The US-based company was founded by Jim and Kathy Coover in 2002 and operates in seven countries worldwide. The company develops and produces products that it says assist with "nutritional cleansing" which can result in "greater health, well-being and weight loss".
In a nutshell, the products are a variety of whey protein shakes, bars and herbal supplements, which promise to help you lose weight. 
And rather than using traditional forms of advertising, Isagenix uses multi-level marketing, which relies on participants to set up distribution networks among friends, and the company pays commissions based on sales by the participants.
The Australia and New Zealand arm of the business launched in 2007, and the local website features enthusiastic Aussies giving testimonials on their weight loss and financial gains. (Even Australian Olympian Jana Pittman pops up in one of the company's promotional videos spruiking the wonders of the program.)

The 3 Week Diet                         The 3 Week Diet

What Vitamins and Minerals Does It Contain?
Isagenix’s IsaLean shakes contain 23 different vitamins and minerals:
  • Vitamin A: Strengthens your body’s immune system and boosts cell growth
  • Vitamin C: Helps protect your body’s immune system and wards off fatigue caused by stress
  • Calcium: Helps promote healthy weight managements and strengthens bones
  • Iron: Increases energy and promotes production of hemoglobin
  • Vitamin D: Promotes absorption of calcium and decreases risk of diabetes
  • Vitamin E: Promotes a healthy immune system and fights free radicals
  • Vitamin B: Supports nerve cell and muscle function.
  • Riboflavin: Plays a big role in energy production and electron transportation
  • Niacin: Promotes healthy levels of good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol
  • Vitamin B6: Breaks down the protein consumed daily
  • Folate: Helps regulate brain functions and improves mood
  • Vitamin B12: Crucial for red blood cell production
  • Biotin: Promotes healthy nails and skin
  • Phosphorous: Supports bone and muscle health
  • Magnesium: Supports healthy kidneys and heart
  • Zinc: Supports the immune and respiratory systems
  • Selenium: Helps fight free radicals and reduces odds of certain cancers
  • Copper: Increases energy and supports healthy blood and nerve function
  • Manganese: Promotes a healthy bone structure and bone metabolism
  • Chromium: Helps lower cholesterol, insulin levels, and blood sugar
  • Molybdenum: Helps metabolize important amino acids (building blocks for protein)
  • Pantothenic Acid: Helps turn food into energy
  • Iodine: Strengthens the thyroid

The 3 Week Diet

Taste and Consistency

What Flavors Are Available?
IsaLean shakes are currently available in five flavors: Creamy French Vanilla, Strawberry Cream, Creamy Dutch Chocolate, Black Sesame and Orange Cream.
Based on what we’ve found, the Creamy Dutch Chocolate appears to the fan favorite with Creamy French Vanilla coming in a close second. Strawberry Cream is the newest flavor, and Black Sesame can be consumed either cold or warm.
The shakes are known for their sweetness, which makes sense, seeing how just one packet contains 11g of sugar. While that’s not an insane amount in the grand scheme of things, it is approximately six times as much sugar in a similar amount of Ideal Shape shakes.
If you’re especially strict with your daily sugar intake, this may not be the best brand for you to go with. On the other hand, if taste is important, then Isagenix will more than likely be a top contender.

How Does Isagenix Work?

Isagenix’s most popular product is their 30-day system which they market as their “starter pack”. It contains a variety of different products, some of which are aimed at cleansing and hydrating. But these are seen as “added bonuses” by many people, the main product they are promoting with this system is the meal replacement shakes.
By skipping a meal and replacing it with one of their shakes you’ll essentially cut your daily calorific intake by around 20% (if you don’t snack). By doing so it means you can lose weight without having to eat low-calorie foods for the other two meals of your day.

The 2 Week Diet                     The 2 Week Diet

Are There Any Side Effects?

One of the most frequently reported side effects encountered by people on the 30-day system is a headache. We were unable to ascertain how common this issue is (or the reasoning behind it).
However, Isagenix state on their website that it could be a sign of dehydration and that anyone experiencing headaches should drink more water. Isagenix includes 4 “hydrate sticks” in the 30-day system which may have been included for this very purpose.

The 2 Week Diet

Satisfaction Level

What Does Isagenix Use to Curb Hunger?
Isagenix uses a combination of whey protein, fiber, and active enzymes to help curb consumers’ hunger and appetite – the standout component being the active enzymes.
While we were unable to find out what all the active enzymes consisted of, we did uncover that Lactase is one of them. Lactase is a digestive enzyme that helps break down milk sugar lactose, which helps consumers digest the milk components much easier.
Those same enzymes also help stave off hunger for up to 4 hours (according to reports from consumers). That time limit places IsaLean towards the top of the hunger-curbing duration list for meal replacement shakes that we’ve reviewed.
How Long Is Hunger Curbed On Average?
While hunger has been curbed for up to 4 hours for some consumers, two-and-a-half hours seems to be the average time (slightly above average for meal replacement shakes).
If you’re active, the appetite suppression will probably be shorter (due to a higher metabolism). If you’re not as active, then it’s more likely to be longer.

Isagenix Reviews & Results

The results we uncovered form other consumers’ Isagenix shake reviews were mostly positive. A couple of reviews that really stuck out to us include:
  • A 55-year old that lost over 25 lbs. (time-frame not included in the review). The person states that they are now a size 4.
  • Another consumer lost 15 lbs. in the span of a couple of months with very minimal exercise.
Keep in mind that the results above are not typical and will vary depending on your genetics, fitness level, and countless other factors.
But based on what we uncovered during our research, we’re confident that if you use the shakes as directed and are active, you will see some form of weight loss within a couple of weeks.


Unfortunately, the negative tone of the reviews we have read about Isagenix has put us in a position where we simply cannot recommend their products. We feel they need to assess the taste of their shakes to ensure that customer feedback is addressed.
If in the future, they change their recipe and address the apparent issue we may be able to start considering recommending them.