Friday, August 31, 2018

Emotional Eating and Weight Loss

Emotional Eating and Weight Loss
Emotional Eating and Weight Loss
Everybody emotionally eats at some point, some just do it more often than others and some do it for every emotion.

Not matter what you do it for, the process, or sequence, is still the same:

  1. Trigger - What is your trigger – is it stress from work or family, is it sadness or loneliness?
  2. Eat - When you eat, is it is the same food that you reach for each time you have an emotion?
  3. Guilt - Once we feel guilty about eating generally we will eat again because we feel guilty!

Many people do not even realise they are eating for an emotional reason until it is too late and the plate full of food is already gone.  If this sounds like you, then take some time to think back over the last few days or weeks and the meals you have eaten. Think about why you have chosen the foods you did – were there emotions behind them? Once you start to recognise why you are eating it will make it much easier for you to make better choices.

When we eat, we are generally feeding 1 of 3 things:

  1. Our Body – if this is the case the food is generally healthier.
  2. Our emotional body or soul – if this is the case the food is generally bad.
  3. Our mind - can be either good or bad food.
Let’s have a closer look at the sequence and specifically how we can slow the process down and make some changes to our emotional eating patterns.


When it comes to the trigger, the secrets are to understand your triggers, look for alternatives to eating for emotional triggers and question your decision before eating. In other words:

  1. Ask yourself, what are you avoiding – which emotion is it?
  2. Try something else instead of eating, e.g. go for a walk or read a book.
  3. Ask yourself if you can afford the food – if you eat this food will it put you over your calorie count for the day (remember if you want to lose weight you have to eat less calories than you are burning).
The 3 Week Diet


When it comes to eating:

  1. Try to eat something healthier
  2. Ask yourself, can I make a better version of the food I want to have (e.g. a healthy homemade pizza instead of a take away version)?

Feeling guilty about eating for emotional reasons can make things even worse.

When you do feel guilty, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Was eating the food worth it?
  2. Can I account or make up for it? For example, can you work out the next day a little extra or can you improve your meal plan for the next day or so to counter the overconsumption.
Unless you’ve eaten a family block of chocolate or full packet of biscuits, most of the time emotion eating isn’t as bad as we think it is and the calories we are eating are not as much as we thought.

Decide that it is OK

Occasional and low level emotional eating isn’t the end of the world.

Being aware that you are eating for an emotional reason really is the first step in controlling it.

Once you identify and acknowledge your emotional eating, you are starting to take charge of your emotions and not letting them control you.
© Copyright Ultimate Weightloss.
This article was written by Tanya Whitfield.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Prevent obesity related risks before it kills.

Prevent obesity related risks before it kills.
Prevent obesity related risks before it kills.

Obesity is damaging to our health and can lead to an early death. Prevent obesity related risks before it kills. Weight loss advice has useful infofrmation for people seeking help. We aim to provide you the best health advice which will help you find a weight loss regimen that suits you and your lifestyle as well as meets your expectations.In case you have any medical condition you should check with you doctor to help identify your ideal weight, and for advice on a suitable level of exercise.

The 4 Week Diet

The best way to lose weight is to identify a healthy diet and begin an exercise program - a suitable exercise program which really helps to burn fat. You will find useful weight loss tips for adolescents, teenagers & children, women, weight loss before wedding, diabetics and weight control and menopause.

We have produced useful information ranging from healthy balanced diet information to an exercise routine to assist you in choosing a program that suits you. We hope you will be able to find help to understand and manage your weight and appetite.

The Red Tea Detox

Successful weight loss depends on developing the sort of eating and exercise habits

Successful weight loss depends on developing the sort of eating and exercise habits
Successful weight loss depends on developing the sort of eating and exercise habits

Successful weight loss depends on developing the sort of eating and exercise habits that will help you to lose weight and stay in shape not just for a few months but for ever. Weight loss which happens gradually and steadily over a period of time with some serious changes in eating habits and exercises is the best kind of weight loss recommended by experts.
Be realistic and be positive about weight loss and follow the three golden rules of weight loss. 

1st Golden Rule : Follow a healthy, calorie-controlled diet.
2nd Golden Rule : Aim to achieve slow, steady weight loss.
3rd Golden Rule : Combine this with a realistic daily exercise program. 

The 4 Week Diet

Consult a doctor or registered dietician
Before you start trying to lose weight, consult a doctor or a registered dietitian. With their help, you can come up with a safe plan, based on eating well and exercising. 

Eat healthy diet

  • Prepare a balanced meal plan and stick to it.
  • Try to stick to regular meal times the best you can.
  • Eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite.
  • Avoid eating while you're watching TV or preparing a meal. It is far too easy to overeat when you are distracted or surrounded by food.
  • Cutout a picture of someone whose figure you admire, to keep you motivated.
  • Eat the most filling, least fattening foods first (for example salad before the pizza, soup before the meal) so you fill up faster and consume fewer calories.
  • People that eat mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains often find that they can eat as much as they want without gaining weight.
  • Drink four to six glasses of water each day, especially before meals. Water has no calories and it will help you to feel full.
Be active
Remember that all types of activities burn calories. If possible walk instead of ride, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park in the furthest spot. Try to work off, through exercise, any foods eaten that were not planned for in your meal pattern. At least 30 to 60 minutes of walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or some other form of aerobic exercise a minimum of three times a week. 

Boost your metabolism

  • Boost your metabolism to keep your energy pulsating and your body in shape.
  • Drinking hot water as apposed to cold water can increase the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories.
  • Do not skip breakfast. A breakfast bowl of vegetables and brown rice is a great way to kick-start your metabolism for the day.
  • Avoid stress. Physical and emotional stress activates the release of cortisol, a steroid that slows metabolism.
  • Sleep. Research shows that people who don't sleep for seven to eight hours a night are more prone to weight gain.
  • Be positive! The more you feel good about yourself the easier and faster it is to lose weight.

How To Lose Weight Fast Quick & Easily

How To Lose Weight Fast Quick & Easily

How To Lose Weight Fast Quick & Easily

More than politics, more than religion, more than relationships, it’s actually diets that remain the most controversial topic in existence. Why? Well, it has to do with the fact that there are thousands of diet varieties out there, some of which work, some of which do not, and millions of people choosing sides, as it were, for or against dieting methods. Due to the advancements made in the field of health and medicine, we know that being overweight is not only uncomfortable and something that can cause self-esteem issues, but we also now know there are a wide range of dangerous conditions triggered by obesity. If you’re finally ready to take charge of your life and shed some weight, we’ll cover three working diet formulas that, if implemented correctly, will help you drop 10 pounds in a week. 


A Few Quick Weight Loss Tips

Before we get started talking about the types of diets to implement, let’s first go over a few timely tips which will help you in the proverbial battle of the bulge.

Avoid Fads

First and foremost, avoid any sort of diet craze – this includes but isn’t limited to: no-carb diets, fasting, excessive exercise (there is such a thing), binging/purging, crash diets, weight-loss pills, and any and every supposed “miracle” diet.

Add Filler

Before eating any meal on your diet, try drinking a glass of water or two. Water is not only healthier for you than just about any other drink under the sun, but it will also help you to feel full, thus enabling you to eat less and lose weight faster.

Counting Calories

There is an essential formula to weight-loss: if you burn more calories than you ingest, you will lose weight. This is why many people carefully count their calorie intake and make sure not to exceed a certain limit. Set a daily calorie goal, at least 500 calories lower than your normal diet, and make sure you’re exercising to burn them off.

Add the Exercise

With the three diet types we’re about to touch on, it’s important to remember that no method will bring you the desired and prolonged results unless you implement exercise into your life. Whether you’re trying weight training, aerobics, light cardio, or any other type of physical activity, bodies in motion equal slimming waistlines.

Fast Weight Loss with a Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet isn’t often thought of for weight loss in particular. This diet consisting of high fat intake, sufficient protein and few carbohydrates is actually a medicinal diet prescribed to children suffering from epilepsy. Ketogenic diets mimic starvation in the body, to put it simply, without actually “starving” the body. The human body burns carbohydrates for its energy source, especially dealing with brain function, and a ketogenic diet forces the body to burn fats instead. By limited one’s carb intake, the body has no choice but to start burning fat to keep itself energized. Of course, this type of diet requires some sort of training to be the most effective. And in essence, it’s a low-carb diet that doesn’t eliminate them completely from your menu. 

Quick Weight Loss with a Low Calorie Diet

As mentioned above with the Counting Calories tip, the human body sheds pounds when it burns more calories than it takes in. This is the basic rule for all diets and thus one of the most popular diets you can implement in order to start your journey with the first 10 pounds shed. This type of diet will take some diligence on your part. You will still watch you eat in terms of fats, carbs and cholesterol. There’s no reason for your health to suffer just to bring your body size down. Pay attention to ensure you’re planning well-balanced menus. Avoid processed foods and find out the calorie count of everything that you’re putting into your mouth. Also, speed the burning process up by exercising regularly. Even a short 20 minute walk per day can be all the training you need to get started on your diet. For a low-calorie diet, exercise is important since we’re not eliminating carbs. 


What to eat and what not to eat on a low-calorie diet:

This is a whole lot broader in terms of what you can/can’t eat. In fact, you can technically eat anything you want as long as you make sure you’re not exceeding your calorie limit for the day. Even still, stray away from processed/refined foods, foods high in sugars, and alcohol. A 1200 calorie/daily diet is a great way to go for shedding pounds quickly. To help you break this down, try eating four separate small meals per day, consisting of 300 calories a piece. You may not think 300 calories will fill you up, but you would be surprised at the amount of food you can eat and still come in under that number. Simply steaming instead of frying, taking the skin off of chicken, switching to fish instead of beef, cutting out snacks, etc – these steps will really help you along on this diet.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Truth About Your Favorite Fitness Myths

The Truth About Your Favorite Fitness Myths
The Truth About Your Favorite Fitness Myths

We’ve all heard a lot of fitness myths, things people believe strongly but which are totally not true. For example, the myth that “jogging is the best way to lose weight” or “women shouldn’t lift weights because it will make them life bulky”. We love to debunk myths, so we’ve come up with a few hard truths about your favorite fitness myths. Here is what you need to know:


Myth #1: Cardio is King

Truth: cardio is important, but it’s not the all-in-all. Cardio focuses on improving your cardiovascular health and getting your lungs, heart, and blood vessels working in sync. While this is critical for good overall health, it’s not the primary component of fitness. Weight training is better for stress management, weight loss, muscle-building, and hormone balancing, and flexibility is critical for better movement and reduced pain throughout your day. Get some cardio, but don’t make it the prime focus of your workouts!

Myth #2: Crunches build killer abs.

Truth: Crunches are one of the many abs exercises you can do to build that six-pack, but it’s not the only choice around. In fact, it’s one of the least effective exercises, due to the fact that it only working specific abs muscles throughout the range of movement. And, just doing abs exercises isn’t going to give you that six-pack you want. For serious ripped muscle, you need to combine adequate carb intake, proper sleep, low stress levels, full-body interval training, and training moves that engage your entire core. Crunches are the “easy” choice, not the effective one.

Myth #3: Sports drinks are vital for workouts.

Truth: There is only one time when you need a high-calorie, electrolyte-rich sports drink, and that’s after an intense workout session that lasts more than 60 minutes. For your average workout, there’s no need for all the excess calories, and you don’t ever lose that much potassium and sodium. Most sports drinks are little more than simple sugars mixed with minerals your body doesn’t really need unless you’re pushing yourself past the point of endurance. Be warned: all that extra sugar is going to make fat-burning a whole lot harder!

Myth #4: Running burns pounds.

Truth: Yes and no. Cardio does help to burn fatty acids rather than protein, but the truth is that it won’t speed up fat-burning half as effectively as high intensity resistance training. High intensity training kicks the cardiovascular system into high gear, but it engages the muscles to burn through all of your stored energy far more quickly. You can torch twice as many calories in half the time doing a high intensity resistance training workout, so it’s your best choice for serious pound-loss.

Myth #5: Be gentle with your stretches.

Truth: Yes, you want to be gentle with your joints and connective tissue when you stretch, but not so gentle that you don’t ever get a proper stretch. You need to feel the limit of your flexibility, then push yourself slightly beyond it to keep lengthening the connective tissues. Dynamic stretches are far more effective than static stretches thanks to the fact that they push your joints, ligaments, and tendons just enough to increase flexibility and mobility. 


Myth #6: More volume = better muscle-building.

Truth: Volume refers to reps x sets. The commonly held (mis)belief is that more volume is the key to better muscle-building. The truth is that more weight is actually going to lead to better muscle-building, because the added weight leads to greater damage to your muscle fibers. You can see serious results with sets of fewer reps and more weight.

Monday, August 27, 2018

How To Improve Metabolism With Food

How To Improve Metabolism With Food
How To Improve Metabolism With Food

There are a few natural metabolism boosters found in everyday foods which can be crucial to increas ing your rate. Just by incorporating some of these ingredients into your everyday eating, you can surge your metabolism quickly and easily.

  • Egg whites – Thanks to their high level of branched-chain am..ino acids, egg whites are one of the easiest ways to increase metabolism. Try to add a few to an omelet for an easy fix.
  • Chili and spices – Chili peppers contain caps..aicin, a natural metabolism booster. Simply add a few spices or fresh chilies to your next meal to feel the effect.
  • Coffee – What better reason to enjoy your morning cup of coffee? People who enjoy a cup of coffee each day have a higher metabolic rate than those who don’t and may find it easier to shift those pounds.
By avoiding process_ed foods and to a varied diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, you’re your body to work smarter at converting energy.

Can Protein Make You Fat?

Can Protein Make You Fat?
Can Protein Make You Fat?

Most of us know that eating more protein is good for our health and the key to weight loss, but is there such a thing as TOO MUCH protein? Not only too much for our digestive health, but too much for our bodies to utilize for building muscle. Can protein make you fat if eaten in high quantities? Below, we’ll take a closer look at the question to give you an honest, clear answer:

The Insulinogenic Properties of Protein

When you eat protein-rich foods, you cause your body to store nutrients. Protein is insulinogenic, meaning it stimulates an insulin response in your body. That insulin response causes your body to go into storage mode, primarily storing amino acids that can be used to produce the ATP energy your muscles need. Your body is incapable of both burning and storing energy at the same time, and protein tends to shift it from energy-burning to energy-storing.

The Protein-to-Fat Change

Like with carbs, your body is designed to turn excess protein into fats, which it then stores. Those excess calories of protein will be turned into fat. However, the good news is that the threshold for “excess” is much higher with protein than with carbs or fats. You can eat a lot of protein before your body starts turning it into fat, as protein is primarily used as the energy source for your muscles. Your muscles can store a lot of energy before they are all full up, and most of us rarely eat enough protein in a single sitting to pass that threshold when we get into “too much” protein—the threshold that triggers the body to change proteins into fat. One study found that even eating five times the daily protein allowance didn’t increase body fat.

The Danger of Protein

Where high protein intake gets dangerous for weight loss is in its high fat content. All animal proteins have fat—beef, pork, dairy, fish, and poultry—and that fat contains more than twice the calories of the protein. That means that eating a serving of steak or chicken breast doesn’t just give you a hefty dose of protein, but it also provides more fat than you realize. While your body does need fat to function (just like protein), there is such a thing as too much fat. Eating high-fat proteins can lead to excess calorie storage, which in turn raises your body fat. While your body has a harder time turning dietary fats into stored fats, it is a problem that will happen if you eat a lot of high-fat protein.

The Bottom Line

In the end, everyone will agree that protein is excellent for your health and will play a vital role in your fitness. Protein is what powers your muscles and gives you the energy required to grow stronger. Without that ATP energy produced as a result of dietary protein, your muscles wouldn’t be able to contract properly and would fail during exercise. But be wary of eating too much! While your body has a very high threshold for consuming protein, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to do you harm if you over-consume. All those extra calories will still be turned into fat, or will cause the extra calories in the other food you eat to be turned into fat. Too much protein can impact your digestive system and lead to gastrointestinal issues. Basically, like with every other food on the planet, the most important thing is to consume protein in moderation. More protein = good. Too much protein = not so good!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Increase Metabolism Naturally

Increase Metabolism Naturally
Increase Metabolism Naturally

Increasing your metabolism beyond its normal rate is the quickest way to succeed in losing excess stored body fat. Permanent fat loss will occur if you increase your metabolism before dieting! It’s a physiological fact that when we lose weight, we also lose protein from our muscles. Unfortunately, a net loss of protein will always decrease the body’s metabolic rate.
As protein is eventually lost from millions of cells, it gradually lowers the total lean body weight. This affects the body composition and lowers the metabolism. Because of this process, we gradually require fewer calories to maintain body weight. If the current energy intake is continued, weight loss will eventually stop. In fact, it’s even possible to slowly regain weight even if a dieter sticks to a very low calorie diet. The problem with dieting alone is that many of the diet plans on the market may cause the metabolism to slow down. A decreased metabolic rate is often the very reason that weight loss suddenly stops. Increasing exercise frequency may not have much effect at this stage. Plus, reducing food intake further often doesn’t help because there is a net loss of protein in the overall muscle mass, and this net loss continues to lower your metabolism even further. This is when the body has adapted to the lower calorie intake. 

Increase the metabolism for less chance of water loss
As more protein is lost from the muscles, the more fluid is also lost because protein holds around four times its weight in water. Over the period of a week, about only one pound of the five pounds lost is fat, the rest is mostly water. Protein and its fluid replacement is the main reason that many dieters regain weight after a diet. In other words, the fluid is replaced once the physiology of the body stabilizes. An increase in the metabolism would result in a gain of fluid. Therefore, weight loss would be more gradual. This is one reason for the recommended weight loss of only one to two pounds per week. By increasing your metabolism, you are giving your body a reason to hold onto protein, so that less water is lost.  

Why the Speed of Our Metabolic Rate Matters
Even if more exercise is undertaken, a net loss of protein can occur if caloric intake is too low. Remember that dieters reduce their caloric intake. But, since exercise uses extra carbs, the body must break down more protein in order to convert into more carbohydrates. More carbs are needed because an unfit person has an untrained cardiovascular system, and cannot supply enough oxygen for cells to burn fat for energy during exercise. Exercise will increase the metabolism, but the trick for those trying to lose weight is to perform the right exercises for their specific body type, and not to cut too many calories too soon. To lose fat fast, you should prepare the body by increasing your metabolism before cutting calories. This enables your body to establish a major fat burning energy metabolism while regulating the protein metabolism.

An increase metabolism provides many benefits to help maintain continuous and permanent weight loss:
  • less exercise would be needed - gain more time for yourself
  • less effort when you did exercise - no need to spend hours of exercise to burn sufficient calories!
  • less chance of weight regain later
  • still enjoy your favorite foods - no more strict dieting
  • less time spent preparing low-fat recipes
  • save money by not buying the expensive low fat varieties
  • experience a higher percentage of fat loss over water loss
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Human metabolism is basically made up of three parts:
  • Physical activity: 20-25%
  • Thermic effect of food: 10%
  • Resting Metabolism: 70%
Our Metabolism is the rate at which the body uses energy to support all basic functions essential to sustain life, plus all energy requirements for additional activity and digestive processes.
  1. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
    This is the amount of calories needed to run all essential functions and chemical reactions while in a rested and quiet state. RMR is the largest part of total metabolism and accounts for 65 - 75% of calories burned in a day. If lean weight is lost from the body through increased protein metabolism the RMR decreases. This often happens when people go on a strict diet, the body is forced into what's known as a "negative nitrogen balance" which means more protein is lost than what is replaced due to less protein/energy intake. This imbalance causes a gradual loss in lean weight thus lowering the RMR.
  2. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)
    The body uses energy to digest and absorb the nutrients present in the food we eat. The rate of energy used for the Thermic Effect of Food is about 10%, it can be increased depending on the composition of each meal. For example:
    If we overeat the TEF actually increases due to more food to digest, the stomach and intestines have to work harder and longer. It means if we ate an extra 3500 calories (number of calories per pound of fat) we wouldn't actually gain 1 pound of body fat because the TEF has to be accounted for, we would gain less. Calories do count but our body has sophisticated mechanisms to balance energy within the body to enable us hold onto as much energy as possible for a time when starvation may occur!
  3. Physical activity
    The amount of energy the body burns during daily activities such as exercise, recreation, work, housework, etc. Daily physical activities account for 20 - 40% of calories burned each day. This part will vary depending on the individual and how active they are each day. A sedentary person will require less calories to maintain weight than a busy worker in a construction site!
    It is here where we can have the greatest effect on metabolism. The intensity, frequency and duration of any activity all have an effect on metabolism.

Friday, August 17, 2018

How to Have a Healthier Heart

How to Have a Healthier Heart
How to Have a Healthier Heart

Your heart is probably the second most important organ in your body, after your brain. It's the organ that keeps the blood pumping, sending nutrients and oxygen to every cell in your body. And yet, cardiac disorders are the #1 killer in the world today! That says something about the state of our health, specifically heart health. If you want to know how to have a healthier heart, here's what you need to do:


Exercise eliminates excess water from your circulatory system, prevents the build-up of fat in your arteries, and strengthens the muscles of your heart. Essentially, it will help your heart be more efficient at transporting oxygen and nutrients. You don't have to kill yourself at the gym for hours every day, but just 30-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise is enough to keep your heart in great shape. 


Eat Raw

Fiber is one of the most important nutrients for a healthy heart. Not only will it help to reduce fat and cholesterol in the body, but it also eliminates sugar and excess water. High blood sugar levels and water retention can both contribute to heart problems. Fruits and veggies are also packed with antioxidants, which can deal with the free radicals floating around in your body.

Stop Smoking

Smoking may help you to relax, but it's one of the worst things you can do! Not only does it affect your lungs, but it can seriously strain your heart as well. Smoking raises your blood pressure, weakens your blood vessels, and increases the risk of arterial plaque. It all but guarantees heart problems in the not-so-distant future! But within a year of quitting, your risk of coronary disease will be cut in half. Over time, you'll return to full heart health, and your lungs and cardiovascular system will work normally again.

Limit Salt Intake

A bit of salt makes your food much tastier, but it's easy to pass into the realm of "too much". Salt causes your body to retain water, which in turn raises your blood pressure and strains the walls of your blood vessels. If they are weakened (courtesy of smoking, arterial plaque, or other coronary problems), the risk of heart attacks and strokes is much higher. Try to limit the amount of extra salt you sprinkle on your food, and cut back on the salt you use in your cooking. You can always add other kinds of flavors!

Understand Your History

Do you have a family history of heart disease? Do you have any uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents, cousins, or distant relatives who also suffered heart problems? If so, you are at risk as well. Heart problems can be passed down through the family. If you have a family history of heart problems, it's vital you take EXTRA care to protect your heart. 


Get Tested

Want to be sure your heart is in good shape? Get it tested! You can find blood pressure tests at most pharmacies, or you can ask your doctor to measure your cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure at your annual check-up. Both high cholesterol and high blood sugar can lead to serious problems, and high blood pressure can strain your cardiovascular system. Get tested, and deal with any health problems ASAP!


Did you know that stress is one of the primary causes of cardiac disease? Stress raises the levels of "fight or flight" hormone and over-works your heart. Find ways to relax and reduce the stress in your life. Your heart will thank you, and it will work better for many more years as a result!

Fat Loss vs Weight Loss: What's the Difference?

Fat Loss vs Weight Loss
Fat Loss vs Weight Loss

When most people think of weight loss, they're really thinking about FAT loss. You can lose a lot of weight and still be fat, and you can lose a lot of fat without actually dropping any pounds. The two are very different, and the truth is that fat loss is far more important than weight loss. Why is that?

Muscle is Heavy

If you try to lose weight, it often means that you are losing muscle mass instead of fat mass. Muscle weighs a good deal more than fat, and it takes more work to maintain. If your efforts are focused on just losing weight--which usually involves a lot of cardio and a low-fat diet--chances are you're neglecting your muscles. You may lose weight, but you retain the same amount of body fat. All that you've lost is muscle mass, making it harder for you to get rid of the fat in the long run.

More Muscle = Better Fat Burning

Make no mistake: your muscles DO NOT burn fat. They burn ATP, a form of energy produced from glucose--essentially sugar. But, the more muscle mass you have, the more glucose your body uses. As you cut back on carbs (the key to weight loss), you only give your body a limited supply of glucose. If your muscles use up all the available glucose, it forces the rest of your body (brain, organs, internal systems) to turn fat into glucose. This not only encourages more efficient processing of the fat in your diet, but helps your body to activate stored fat. The result: fat loss!

Weight Loss Affects Your Metabolism

If you lose a lot of weight, your body is more likely to shut down, treating the drastic weight loss as "starvation". This causes it to conserve energy, leading to a low-energy state and less effective fat loss. But, if you focus on burning fat, you give your body all the food it needs, but you increase the amount of exercise you do and adjust your diet. Your metabolism is revved up thanks to all the food and exercise, and you end up burning more calories every day.

Weight Loss Causes Dehydration

If you lose a lot of weight very quickly, chances are most of that was water weight. While it may feel great to be lighter than before, this can backfire quickly. Your body is made up of 70% water, so a lack of water can be a serious problem--leading to dehydration. If your dehydrated state persists, your muscles will shrink and atrophy as a means of adapting to the low-water state. This can lead to muscle mass loss, the opposite of what you want!

"Weight Loss" is Unhealthy

When you say "weight loss", most people think of a low-calorie diet. But did you know that eating fewer calories isn't always the smart way to go? Your body needs energy to function, so if it senses that you aren't getting enough food, it will send less energy to your brain, your eyes, your heart, and all your other internal functions. This can lead to a low-energy state, making you feel lethargic and fatigued. But with a diet and exercise program aimed at fat loss, you're getting enough calories to produce energy. You give your body what it needs, but with a balance of nutrients that encourages your body to burn stored fat when you exercise. The result is a much healthier body, and a diet and lifestyle that is far easier to sustain over the long term!

How to Eat Carbs the Healthy Way

Eat Carbs the Healthy Way
Eat Carbs the Healthy Way

Carbohydrates are one of the most important macronutrients, yet a lot of people avoid them like the plague. So what’s up with carbs? Are they good or bad or something in between? Should you cut carbs for weight loss or can you be healthy even while eating carbs? Here’s what you need to know about how to eat carbs right, the healthy way:

1. Eat the Right Carbs

What are “the right” carbs? If you want to know how to eat carbs right, it’s critical to know which are good for your health. Vegetables, obviously, top the list, but you’ll find there are many more: fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, grains, and dairy products. All of these foods contain carbs, but typically carbs that are good for your health and in quantities that won’t have detrimental effects. Fruits and dairy are the highest-carb food choices on this list, so make sure to eat them in moderation. As for the rest, you can make it a priority to include them in your healthy diet.

2. Eat the Right Amounts

With carbs, too much is going to be very bad for your health. Carbs are turned into sugar by your body, which then turns that sugar into stored fat. In fact, your body has an easier time storing the sugar from your diet than the fat from your diet. You could eat 200 calories extra of fat and carbs, and your body would store the carbs while it broke down the fat. So it’s important to realize that carbs need to be consumed in extreme moderation. That means limiting the amount of grains, fruits, dairy, and high-carb veggies you eat every day. You don’t have to cut them from your diet, but limiting them is the key to how to eat carbs right.

3. Beware of Sugars

ALL sugars can have a negative effect—yes, that’s right, ALL sugars. Even healthy sugars like honey or molasses can be bad for your health and weight loss, especially if you eat a lot of them. Sugar is processed very quickly in your body, and it’s absorbed into your liver and turned into stored fat super easily. You’ll end up gaining a lot more weight by eating sugars than you would eating a high-fat diet. It’s imperative that you avoid anything with a lot of sugar; even make it a priority to consume fruit in moderation.

4. Learn about “Net Carbs”

The concept of “net carbs” is fairly simple: take the total grams of carbs in a food, subtract the grams of fiber, and you’re left with the net carbs. The term “net carbs” refers to how much of the carbs your body is actually going to have to digest. Fiber basically neutralizes a lot of the sugar and the carbs in the food you eat, which is why you subtract it from the total carbs. Try to find foods that have a very low “net carb” content even if the total carb content is a bit higher.

5. Avoid Empty Carbs

Empty carbs are any carbs that contain little to no fiber and nutritional value. For example, white flour is an empty carb, because it contains few nutrients and no fiber at all. It’s solid carbs with no real value—the stuff that’s going to make you fat fastest. Your priority should be to eat carbs that contains lots of fiber and nutrients, and avoid anything that contains too little of both. You’ll find that most white and refined carbs are empty, as are any foods with a lot of sugar.