Monday, August 13, 2018

The 5 Most Effective Daily Weight Loss Habits

A few simple changes to your daily weight loss habits can make a huge difference! Weight loss isn't always the result of drastic dieting or intense exercise regimens; instead, it usually happens when you eliminate the "bad" from your diet and lifestyle and focus on the good. The changes below are simple and small, but they can be the most effective way to treat your day of dieting and healthy living right:

Eat When Hungry

The worst thing you can do is to eat when you're feeling a little "snacky" or you want something delicious to munch on. However, the best thing to do is to give your body what it needs when it tells you it needs it. When you feel your stomach growling for food, that's when it's time to eat. Avoid the cravings the rest of the time, and get busy doing things that will take your mind off your desire to eat. ONLY eat when you are actually hungry!

Eat More Veggies

The more vegetables you eat, the faster you fill up—but without filling up on calories. Veggies are loaded with dietary fiber, which expands in your stomach as it absorbs water. When you eat a lot of veggies, you fill up your stomach so much that you don't have room for empty carbs and sugary foods. Plus, you've satisfied your hunger, so there's no need to keep eating. Before you eat the meat and potatoes portion of your meal, have a huge helping of veggies. In fact, double down and have a bowl of light veggie soup and a plate of salad before tucking into your protein and carbs. You'll be far less likely to overeat, and you'll end up consuming far fewer calories as a result.

Drink More Water

Water is the key to weight loss! Your body often sends signals that you are getting dehydrated, but your brain interprets those signals as hunger instead of thirst. Thus, you end up eating when you should have been drinking water instead. By making an effort to drink more water, you avoid this problem completely. Your body will have enough liquid so it won't need to send thirst signals. Any signals your body does send to your brain will be interpreted correctly as hunger, and you can eat food knowing that you're doing what your body wants.


Downsize Those Portions

If your goal is to lose weight, you should make it a point to shrink your serving sizes. You only need about a fist-sized portion of meat in order to get enough protein, and you need far less starchy carbs than you're accustomed to eating. Make the conscious decision to downsize your portions of proteins and carbs, but increase the size of your veggie portions. You'll still end up feeling full at the end of the meal, but with far fewer calories—and empty calories especially—floating around in your body.

Eat Whole Grains

One of the biggest mistakes people make when dieting is cutting out carbs completely. Carbs are your body's best source of energy, and they can be loaded with fiber and important nutrients. However, it's empty, refined, and high-starch carbs like noodles, white rice, bread, and white flour that are the real problem. Your goal should be to eliminate those carbs from your diet, and instead focus on eating the carbs that matter: whole grains. Brown rice, quinoa, barley, spelt, and millet are just a few of the nutrient-rich, high-fiber carbs your body needs. Even potatoes and sweet potatoes deserve a place in your diet, thanks to their high fiber content.