Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How to Keep Off the Weight You've Lost

If there is one thing guaranteed to discourage weight loss efforts, it's regaining lost weight. There's nothing worse than finding you’ve gained back most of the weight you lost within a week of finishing your diet. You may be feeling like there's no purpose to dieting if this is what happens. Well, don't let that get you down! Follow our advice below and learn how to keep off the weight you've lost:

Get More Fiber

Fiber is the single most important nutrient for weight management. Not only will it help to flush out your intestines and reduce the absorption of sugar, cholesterol, fat, and toxins, but it will also fill you up faster. High-fiber foods will quash your hunger pangs, making it easier for you to skip that second or third helping. Always start your meals with your veggies, and you're less likely to overeat.

Big, Medium, Small

This means start the day with a BIG breakfast, have a medium-sized lunch, and end with a small (VERY small) dinner. You need the majority of your nutrients first thing in the morning, and lunch will help you get through the last of your work day (and your after-work workout). However, you don't need a big dinner before going to bed. Follow this meal structure, and you won't have to worry about regaining weight.

Try Fasting

Many people think fasting means starving yourself, but what it really means is limiting yourself to only eating at certain times of the day. Intermittent fasting involves eating food during a certain period of time, say 6 to 8 hours. The rest of the day, you can drink water and unsweetened tea. It can be a bit of an adjustment at first, but once you get used to it you'll realize that it's much easier to avoid poor food choices. Plus, you can feel more satiated with the meals you eat.

Avoid Most Beverages

There are three beverages you should be drinking: water, tea, and coffee. The caffeine in coffee and tea will contribute to a faster metabolism. Tea, particularly green tea, contains antioxidants that will promote faster fat-burning. Water contains zero calories and helps to fill you up. Any other beverage—alcohol, energy drinks, sports drinks, juices, fruit drinks, sodas, and "diet" anything—should be avoided like the plague.

Add More Fat

Did you know that fats are actually good for you? Not only the unsaturated fatty acids found in plant-based foods (nuts, seeds, olive oil,  coconut butter, etc.), but also the saturated fat found in animal and dairy products. Adding more of these fats to your meals will increase your calorie intake slightly, but will also increase fat-burning. As a bonus, a higher fat intake will help you to fill up faster and suppress your appetite, leading to reduced risks of snacking and cheating on your diet.

Eat Less Sugar

Sugar is your #1 enemy when it comes to weight loss. Sugar provides empty calories, meaning they raise your glucose levels without providing any real nutrition. Sugar is turned into stored fat faster than anything, even the fat in your food. Your body is addicted to sugar, so giving it sugar will only make it crave it even more. Try to eliminate ALL excess sugar from your life!

Go Natural

Processed food may make cooking easier, but it certainly doesn't make it healthier. Processed foods are loaded with chemicals, sodium, toxins, added sugar, and excess calories, and they will make weight loss or maintenance much more difficult. Make it a goal to ONLY eat food that you cooked from scratch, and you'll see much better weight loss results.