Thursday, March 30, 2017

Working from home might be more stressful

Working from home by using electric devices may save energy, time and money, but also lead to longer working hours, higher stress and sleeping problems, according to a new UN study in 15 countries including India. 

"This report shows that the use of modern communication technologies facilitates a better overall work-life balance," said Jon Messenger, co-author of the joint report by the UN International Labour Organisation (ILO) and Eurofund. 

[See: Brian Flatt made the 3-Week Diet through perception of his customers.]

The study is based on interviews with workers and experts in 10 European Union member states, Argentina, Brazil, India, Japan and the US. The study identified several types of employees using new technologies to work outside the employer's premises, including regular home-based teleworkers, workers performing occasional telework and information and communication technologies mobile work (TICTM). It highlights positive effects of teleworking, such as greater autonomy on working time and better work-day organisation, and reduced commuting time resulting in a better overall work-life balance and higher productivity. 

On the down side, telewor king "blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, depending on the place of work and the characteristics of different occupations," Messenger said. 

People teleworking tend to work longer hours, and have higher levels of stress as a result of overlapping paid work and personal life. 


The analysis also shows that regular home-based teleworkers tend to be more likely to report sleeping problems in general, when compared to those always work at the employer's premises.


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Alzheimer's could be caused by excess sugar

A diet, high in sugar, could lead to Alzheimer's, as a study finds a link between sugar and the brain disease. 

This is the first concrete evidence to explain why abnormally high blood sugar levels, or hyperglycaemia, have an impact on cognitive function, according to researchers from the University of Bath and King's College London. 

Unprecedented research has revealed the 'tipping point' at which blood sugar levels become so dangerous they allow the neurological disease to take hold. Once levels pass the threshold, they restrict the performance of a vital protein, which normally fights the brain inflammation associated with dementia. 

"Excess sugar is well known to be bad for us when it comes to diabetes and obesity, but this potential link with Alzheimer's disease is yet another reason that we should be controlling our sugar intake in our diets," said Dr Omar Kassaar.


In Alzheimer's abnormal proteins aggregate to form plaques and tangles in the brain which progressively damage the brain and lead to severe cognitive decline. 

Using brain samples of 30 patients with and without Alzheimer's and testing them for protein glycation, a modification caused by high glucose levels in the blood was observed. They found that in the early stages of Alzheimer's, glycation damages an enzyme called MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor) which plays a role in immune response and insulin regulation. 

MIF is involved in the response of brain cells called glia to the build-up of abnormal proteins in the brain during Alzheimer's disease. It appears that as Alzheimer's progresses, glycation of these enzymes increases. 

[See: The 3 Week Diet | Brian’s Private 1-On-1 Coaching and Support]
"We've shown that this enzyme is already modified by glucose in t
he brains of individuals at the early stages of Alzheimer's disease," said Jean van den Elsen from Bath's department of biology and biochemistry. 

"Normally MIF would be part of the immune response to the build-up of abnormal proteins in the brain, and we think that because sugar damage reduces some MIF functions and completely inhibits others that this could be a tipping point that allows Alzheimer's to develop," he added.



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Eating yogurt may help ease depression

A new research found that eating yogurt rich in lactobacillus -- a probiotic bacteria -- may help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, a finding that could lead to new strategies for treating psychiatric conditions. 

Depression is a huge problem and the treatments are not very good, because they come with huge side effects. 

"The study will help us not to bother with complex drugs and side effects when we can just play with the microbiome. It would be magical just to change your diet, to change the bacteria you take, and fix your health -- and your mood," said lead researcher Alban Gaultier from the University of Virginia in the US. 


In the study, conducted on mice, the researchers have discovered a specific mechanism for how the lactobacillus bacteria affect mood, providing a direct link between the health of the gut microbiome and mental health. 

For the study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, the team induced depression symptoms in mice to analyse their composition of the gut microbiome and found that the major change was the loss of lactobacillus. 

With the loss of lactobacillus came the onset of depression symptoms. Conversely, feeding the mice lactobacillus with their food returned them to almost normal, the researchers said. 

[See: Press Release 1 | New Diet Taps into Revolutionary Concept to Help Dieters Lose 12-23 Pounds in Just 21 Days!]

"A single strain of lactobacillus, is able to influence mood," Gaultier observed. 

In addition, the study found that the amount of lactobacillus in the gut affects the level of a metabolite in the blood -- called kynurenine -- which has been shown to drive depression. 

When lactobacillus was diminished in the gut, the levels of kynurenine went up -- and depression symptoms set in. 

While there is no harm in people with depression eating yogurt, people receiving treatment for depression should not stop taking their medications without consulting their physicians, the researchers suggested. 



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Excess iron in body may cause liver damage

Doctors warned that hemochromatosis, the excess build-up of iron in the body, can damage the liver.
This action is genetic and the excess iron, if left untreated, can damage joints, organs, and eventually be fatal, they added.
They said that the disease though being genetic was still a matter of concern because symptoms often don’t appear until a person is 40 years of age or older.

[See: The Big Diabetes Lie]

 “Usually this is genetic but some may also acquire it through blood transfusions, certain blood problems, liver disease or binge alcoholism. Symptoms often don’t appear until a person is aged 40 or older. This is because extra iron builds up slowly throughout the person’s life,” said Jaspreet Singh, who is associated with the Gasteroenterology Department of Ram Manohar Lohia hospital.
Men are more likely to have too much iron build up in the body as women get rid of the extra iron through blood during menstrual cycles or pregnancy, according to doctors.

Ravinder Pal Singh Malhotra, Director at the city-based Center for Liver, said, “When the levels of iron are high it leads to damaging every organ and tissue. Hemochromatosis can be treated to prevent serious problems. But without treatment, hemochromatosis will continue storing iron in the body”.
Doctors said that the Type 1 of hemochromatosis called Classic Hemochromatosis (HHC), is a leading cause of iron overload disease and quite common. People with HHC (too much iron) absorb extra amounts of iron from the daily diet. The human body cannot rid itself of extra iron.
Over time, these excesses build up in major organs such as the heart, liver, pancreas, joints, and pituitary. If the extra iron is not removed, these organs can become diseased. Untreated hemochromatosis can be fatal.
In later stages of hemochromatosis, the patient can also witness diabetes, loss of sex drive, impotence, heart failure and liver failure, said Malhotra. 

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Are vegetable oils healthy?

In small amounts, vegetable oils are healthy, as they contain fats that are essential in our diets. But our consumption of vegetable oil has increased considerably, and the health effects of high intakes are a source of scientific debate.
What researchers agree on is that vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, corn, cottonseed and soybean oils, are rich in a type of fat known as linoleic acid. That acid can lower LDL or "bad" cholesterol when it replaces saturated fats in the diet which primarily come from animal sources.

Whether consuming vegetable oils ultimately improves health outcomes seems to be less clear. In observational studies, which don't prove cause and effect but look at relationships between variables such as food consumption and disease, linoleic acid intake is inversely associated with heart disease risk in a dose-response manner.

Those findings don't seem to be the final word on the subject. A meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials on the topic, published in the BMJ, concluded that although replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils does lower LDL cholesterol, it does not necessarily translate into decreased deaths from heart disease.

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Thursday, March 23, 2017

5 Experts Answer: Can YOGA Help You Lose Weight?

Beth A. Lewis, Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Kinesiology in Minneapolis
"Regular yoga practice can influence weight loss, but not in the "traditional" sense of how we link physical activity to weight loss. Typically, weight loss occurs when a person's calorie intake (i.e., food and drink consumed) is less than their caloric expenditure (i.e., energy is expended all day and more is expended during exercise).
"Most individuals need to change both their energy intake and energy expenditure to lose weight.

Many yoga practices burn fewer calories than traditional exercise (e.g., jogging, brisk walking); however, yoga can increase one's mindfulness and the way one relates to their body. So, individuals will become more aware of what they are eating and make better food choices.
"Individuals may avoid foods that make them feel sluggish and lethargic (most processed foods). Instead,individuals will seek out foods that are healthier, which then may lead to weight loss.
"Additionally, many individuals eat more when they are feeling stressed and yoga can help combat stress, which can influence one's energy intake."

[See: The 3 Week Diet Video Review]
Dr. Lewis Maharam, fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine:
"Yes, and actually it's become in vogue with a lot of celebrities like Madonna, Halle Berry and Jennifer Aniston. Yoga is a sophisticated tradition with physical, relaxation and breathing exercises. But aerobic exercise is what helps you lose weight.
"If someone wants to lose weight in yoga class, they are going to have to be in a class that challenges them. They have to make sure that their heart is going to beat faster.
"There's all different levels of yoga. There is yoga that's meant for the mind, and there's power yoga that's more of an exercise. You've got to be sure that you're doing something more than just a mind experience with relaxing stretches, if you want to lose weight."


Jen Cassetty, an American College of Sports Medicine certified Health Fitness Specialist, based in New York City
"In theory it can. Yoga is not a high intensity exercise, usually, but the classes run 75 to 90 minutes of continual activity, so your muscles are working the whole time, strengthening and lengthening, and [doing] core work through chaturanga and balance poses.
"As with any activity program for weight loss, you should engage in this activity 4 to 5 times a week to see body changes with shaping, as well as keep a portion-controlled balanced diet. Then, yes, your metabolism will be raised through the activity and you can see body shaping changes and even weight loss."

Leigh Crews, American College of Sport Medicine Media Expert:
"The short answer is, there's no short answer. Yoga is too diverse for that.
"Experts agree that increasing your physical activity level is a good first step towards losing weight. So, with that in mind, it is important to choose the right style of yoga.
"If your goal is weight loss, choosing one of the vigorous, flowing styles of yoga, such as Ashtanga, Vinyasa or Power Yoga, is the smart choice. These classes traditionally last 90 minutes, and can most definitely have a cardiovascular benefit. You will burn calories, tone and stretch your muscles, and provide weight bearing exercise for your bones with these forms of yoga.
"The second, more subtle factor, is yoga's ability to foster an inward focus , making you more aware of how your body feels in all of your daily activities. That self-awareness can cause a shift in the way you think about how you treat your body in other ways, such as eating when you are hungry, rather than because it is your normal time to eat, and choosing to stop eating when you are satisfied, rather than over full."


Annie B. Kay, Lead Nutritionist, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Stockbridge, Mass.:
"Yoga facilitates weight loss in several ways and, when combined with evidence-based nutritional guidance, can be highly effective.
"Yoga is an ancient spiritual science developed in India over five millennia ago. While yoga is often thought of as the physical practice, the full practice includes all aspects of lifestyle including diet, mental attitude, choices about one's lifestyle and philosophical study.
"The practice of yoga turns attention inward, as the practitioner observes her- or himself with an attitude of compassion. As the practitioner gains skill, a sense of physical, psychological and emotional realities often shift, becoming less influenced by the external forces of modern culture and more anchored in an internal value system.
"The practice of yoga and meditation may aid the development of mindfulness during mealtimes, aiding awareness of portions sizes, food preparation, and eating speed."
[See: The 3 Week Cellulite Secret]
Zoe Bray-Cotton, personal trainer and certified yoga instructor:

Zoe is the brains behind Her Yoga Secrets.  A personal trainer and certified yoga instructor, she’s dedicated to providing women with the information and programs they need to get the very best out of their yoga.  And because everything about yoga is gentle, it’s even suited to those who might be unable to partake in regular exercise due to illness or injury (but check with your doctor first, of course…).

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Science-Backed Ways to Boost Metabolism

Each time we eat or drink, we can thank our digestion system for changing over every one of those calories into vitality. Our size, sexual orientation, and age all figure our metabolic rate, yet there are likewise approaches to autonomously control its speed. Also, the speedier our digestion system, the more calories we blaze off, making that Krispy Kreme breakfast no more drawn out such a major ordeal.
Here are some demonstrated approaches to keep that body smoldering solid.

[See: Brian Flatt made the 3-Week Diet through perception of his  customers.]

Kick it up a score

Whenever you run, swim, or even walk, increase the power for 30-second interims, coming back to your typical speed subsequently. Utilizing this procedure will help you devour more oxygen and make your cell powerhouses, the mitochondria, work harder to smolder vitality, clarifies Mark Hyman, MD, an integrative and useful solution pro in private practice in Lenox, Massachusetts, and creator of Ultra metabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss.
“You increment the quantity of mitochondria and how effectively they blaze for the duration of the day,” he explains. This way, you can practice for less time than it takes to trudge along at similar pace and still get extraordinary results. 
Here’s the means by which to do it: Exercise for 5 minutes at 3.5 mph. Increment your speed to 4 mph for 60 seconds. At that point do a reversal down to 3.5 mph for 90 seconds. Rehash the whole arrangement 5 times, twice every week.


Try not to skip breakfast

It might be a great opportunity to reevaluate hitting rest for getting up to snatch a snappy nibble before beginning the day. Concentrates on demonstrate the significance of snappy beginning digestion system with breakfast. No a.m. hunger? Nibble on something little, similar to a bowl of Greek yogurt.
Why does eating loads of fish rich in omega-3 unsaturated fats (salmon, herring, and fish) help amp up digestion system? Omega-3s adjust glucose and lessen irritation, directing digestion system. They may likewise decrease imperviousness to the hormone leptin, which specialists have connected to how quick fat is singed. A study in Obesity Research discovered rats that ingested huge measurements of fish oil while practicing shed pounds.

Eat carefully
Who knew eating could really speed calorie smolder? Certain nourishments like fish and grapefruit have been appeared to accelerate metabolic rate. Pressing in protein has additionally appeared to support digestion system, so pick a few eggs over hotcakes at the breakfast table for a morning digestion system help
Does muscle measure more than fat, as well as it uses more vitality, as well. The normal lady in her 30s who quality trains 30 to 40 minutes twice per week for four months will build her resting digestion system by 100 calories a day. That implies you’re resetting your indoor regulator to continue running at that rate even on the days when you don’t make it to the rec center, Hunter clarifies.
This charged morning drink is not just a friend in need with regards to pushing through a midterm paper or work meeting. Some espresso (or the caffeine in it) is consumed into the circulation system rapidly, accelerating heart rate and give a metabolic help that tops at around three hours subsequent to drinking

Swing to (green) tea
Green tea has for quite some time been proclaimed for its cell reinforcement polyphenols. In any case, new confirmation demonstrates the dynamic fixing, catechin, may wrench up digestion system. Specialists led a progression of studies in calorie counters and found that the individuals who made strides toward environmental friendliness lost more weight than the individuals who didn’t, proposing that catechins may enhance fat oxidation and thermogenesis, your body’s generation of vitality, or warmth, from processing. Be that as it may, what amount do you need to drink? As indicated by one study, in the event that you drink five eight some green tea a day, you can expand your vitality use by 90 calories a day. Sounds like a great deal of tea, yet it’s not hard to do in the event that you likewise drink it frosted.

Try not to slice those calories

It’s a standout amongst the most disappointing substances of eating less carbs—in the event that you cut out excessively numerous calories, your digestion system thinks times are incline and puts the breaks on fat-blazing to save vitality, Hunter clarifies. Here’s the secret to keeping your digestion system revved up while consuming less calories: Eat enough calories to at any rate coordinate your resting metabolic rate (what you’d smolder in the event that you remained in bed throughout the day; compute yours here). That is around 1,330 calories for a 5-feet-4-creep, 150-pound, 40-year-old lady.
Noshing for the duration of the day is a demonstrated technique to help you control hunger and eat less calories by and large. Presently, specialists are advancing snacking as opposed to pigging out as an approach to keep digestion system running by holding glucose levels consistent and avoiding weight-pick up advancing insulin spikes. Getting a charge out of six little dinners a day ought to do the trap; keep them around 300 calories each, or isolate your typical day’s calories by six.

Flavor things up

Whenever a chicken bosom is concocting in the kitchen, include a dash of cayenne pepper. The warmth from the pepper is because of capsaicin, which won’t just include a red hot kick it could support digestion system, excessively.
Drinking enough water is a basic approach to accelerate absorption and blaze calories. We may require more than those prescribed eight glasses a day as well. Presently if no one but wine could speed digestion system.

8 Effective Ways to Sharpen Brain Function and Improve Your Memory Now

Do you walk in the kitchen and forget why you entered in the first place? Or have you left water to boil, only to remember to turn off the stove when all of it has evaporated? Random memory lapses are normal, but this can be alarming if it keeps happening over and over. Does it mean that there is only a downhill now? Absolutely not!
Your cognitive functioning can weaken over time, owing to several factors in your life, but it can be strengthened again. You can get straight As again. You can be the smartest one in your group again. The question is, how?
Here’s how:

1.     Do Your Jumping Jacks

We all know physical exercise is good for the body and the heart, but we forget how important it is to the brain. Science and medicine has shown connections between staying active and your memory. An active body leads to a sharp mind. Exercise releases chemicals in the brain, which help fight fatigue and stress, keeping you on your toes at all times.

[See:  intense eating routine for 21 days, the3-Week Diet fills your need.]
I am not saying you must engage in vigorous routines at the gym every day. Something as simple as a few jumping jacks every day, or a 15-minute brisk walk can do the job. The key is to stay moving instead of sitting on the couch in front of your TV all day!

2.     Get Your Weekend Sleep

If you’re a student, you probably spend half your nights studying for a test, or writing a paper. If you work, you must spend your nights finishing off leftover office work. Thus, most of you do not get a solid 7 to 8 hour sleep during weekdays.
Which is why, it is important you cover up on your sleep on the weekend. Sleep is important to process all the stimuli you are exposed to while you are awake. It is when you are sleeping that all that you have learned for a physics test gets stuck in your memory. Studies have also shown that getting proper sleep on the weekend can help improve brain performance during the week.


3.     Power Naps

We have already established that there isn’t much time during the week to get proper sleep. Although your weekend sleep will help you here, you still need some power naps to boost cognitive skills. Even a  nap as small as 15 minutes can be of great help.

4.     Eat the Right Foods

What goes inside your belly makes a huge difference on every aspect of your human-self, including the brain. So, to allow them to function at their very best, it is important to eat the right foods.
  • Staying hydrated is essential to keep the brain focused. Water and fresh fruit and vegetable juices, are your sources of hydration. Sodas and canned drinks might quench your thirst, but will not hydrate your system
  • Omega-3 acids are said to be the best brain-food. Salmon and walnuts are great sources of omega-3.
  • Who can say no to a nice, warm cup of coffee? Coffee keeps the mind alert and sharp, so before you take your next test, drink some coffee!
  • Fruits and vegetables should be your constant companions. They contain vitamins which can stop your memory and cognitive functioning from declining as you age.
  • Nuts contain nutrients that can really help you with your thinking and memory. Eat nuts daily.
  • Green leafy vegetables protect the brain from developing harmful brain-related disorders and diseases. They can also help keep you hydrated.
  • Chewing gum not only burns calories, but keeps you alert in your day to day activities where it is easy to get distracted. If you find Philosophy boring, but need to hear out an important lecture, chewing gum may come in handy.


5.     Doodle

Yeah, it might sound weird at first. But studies have shown that people who doodled while being made to listen to a boring conversation, remembered about 30 percent more than those who were not doodling.
This suggests that during a boring lecture at college, doodle instead of sitting idle. This is because when you are doodling your mind remains focused on the environment you are in, instead of wandering away to outer space. Just don’t doodle the face of your professor!

6.     Write Things Down

Writing things down can help remember what you may otherwise forget. This does not mean writing them in MS Word, or on your phone. Write them down on a piece of paper with your own hand! People who are trying to learn a new language often write down new words, which helps them learn them faster. So write down your dentist’s appointment, and write out your grocery list, so you don’t forget.


7.     Association Aids Memory

Along the lines of classical conditioning, lies the idea of association. If you have a hard time remembering anything, associate it with something you are likely to remember. For example, if you cannot remember your best friend’s birth date, create a connection of the date with your age, or your friend’s age, or even the price of a product. This way when you try to recall the birth date, the association will pop up in your head, and help you remember the actual date.

8.     Take on A Challenge

Your cognitive skills can get rusty if they are allowed to live in their comfort zone for too long. It is important to drift into a space that is new to the brain. Do what you think will be difficult for you; it could be trying a new sport, learning a new language or owning up to your lies in front of someone!



Our brain is beautiful. It can adapt to change, and change its performance given the conditions of your body. This is why, following the above pointers can help it do better. However, none of these will work if you do not believe in yourself. Having a positive attitude towards everything that is thrown your way, and believing you can do anything, can do wonders. You are flawless. You are one of a kind. God created you. So fix your mindset and watch yourself break boundaries!