Sunday, May 7, 2017

Start With 20 Seconds Per Day And Then Your Body Will Transform

By: Nick Darlington

What’s the deal with the plank exercise?
Many people all over the world have followed the 28 day, to 4 min plank challenge to see what body transformation occurs. When the plank exercise is done correctly, you strengthen your entire body through maintaining rigidity, just like a plank of wood.

[See: The 7-Day Canyon Ranch Spa Diet]

Benefits of the plank

Plank is considered as “one of the most efficient bodyweight static exercises for strengthening the core”, according to Go Fit Stay Fit. Additional benefits include strengthening legs, back and hand muscles, and melting away unwanted body fat. Aside from improved strength, long-term benefits include better balance and endurance.
Use this technique over 28 days for the desired results.

28 Days Challenge

Dаy 1      20 seconds
Dаy 2      20 seconds
Dаy 3      30 seconds
Dаy 4      30 seconds
Dаy 5      40 seconds
Dаy 6      Rest
Dаy 7      45 second
Dаy 8      45 seconds
Dаy 9      60 seconds
Dаy 10    60 seconds
Dаy 11    60 seconds
Dаy 12    90 seconds
Dаy 13    Rest
Dаy 14    90 seconds
Dаy 15    90 seconds
Dаy 16    120 seconds
Dаy 17    120 seconds
Dаy 18    150 seconds
Dаy 19     Rest
Dаy 20    150 seconds
Dаy 21    150 seconds
Dаy 22    180 seconds
Dаy 23    180 seconds
Dаy 24    210 seconds
Dаy 25    Rest
Dаy 26    210 seconds
Dаy 27    240 seconds
Dаy 28    As much аs you like or cаn