Sunday, May 7, 2017

10 Fascinating, Science-Backed Mind Tricks For Weight Loss

By: Joseph Summers
Many of us are already aware of this fact, the only way to lose weight is through the correct balance of calories in vs calories out.
All successful weight loss programs result in a caloric deficit, by burning more calories than consumed. The healthiest approaches combine nutritious diets with full-body workout routines. Gradual weight loss is then a product of consistency.
As you probably know by now, this is far easier said than done! Our bodies resist these lifestyle changes, especially in the beginning. With cravings and hunger as mighty adversaries, sticking to your healthy diet becomes a battle of will.
However, these 10 ingenious mind tricks for weight loss will enable you to conquer the mind, stay consistent and achieve the slimmer body you desire!

[See: The Biggest Loser 7-Day Diet Plan]

1. Harness the Power of Blue

As far fetched as this one sounds, surrounding yourself by the color blue could significantly suppress your appetite. One study found that eating in a blue room reduced food consumption by up to 33%! The color blue triggers the brain by making food appear less appealing.
Try eating with blue plates or even a blue tablecloth and see if you notice an effect on your appetite. Avoid colors yellow, red and orange, they will increase its appeal!

2. Position Yourself Opposite a Mirror

Another seemingly bizarre weight loss trick is to sit opposite a mirror. Yet, one study found it can reduce food consumption by up to a third! It’s believed that being able to see yourself makes you judge yourself objectively. As a result, you will keep tighter control over your eating.
Increased levels of guilt associated can even decrease the taste of junk food. So if you must eat something unhealthy, make sure you sit in front of a mirror!

Many restaurants purposefully create atmospheres that encourage customers to eat more. From dim lighting that lowers eating inhibitions to background music that speeds up the chewing of food.
Try creating the opposite environment, you’ll be amazed how much less you will eat. Keep the lights bright and the music off at dinner time!

[See: The 7-Day Canyon Ranch Spa Diet]

4. Burn a Vanilla Candle

As mentioned earlier, neutral sweet scents can dispel hunger and cravings. The aroma of Vanilla is another way to trick the mind for weight loss. In a study of 160 people, scented patches encouraged an average loss of 4lbs.
Simply burning a vanilla scented candle at dinnertime could save you from craving dessert!

5. Snack on Neutral Sweet Foods

Notice how the sugary-sweet smell of chocolate immediately makes you feel hungry? Well, neutral sweet odors have been seen to have the opposite effect by suppressing appetite.
When the urge to snack becomes too great, grab a neutral-sweet fruit such as bananas or apples. They are nutritious, wholesome and almost impossible to overindulge!


6. Reduce the Size of Plates and Bowls

As trivial as this sounds, using smaller plates triggers a powerful mind trick for weight loss. Downsizing actually enables you to decrease your portion size without affecting your feeling of fullness.
Try this clever trick for yourself by stepping down from a 12″ to a 10″ plate, you’ll be surprised to see your meal satisfaction remain the same!

7. Spice Up Dishes

Taking a walk on the spicy side of the kitchen is another expected mind hack. Studies found that cayenne pepper decreases appetite and may kick up your metabolism. So you’ll subconsciously consume less and burn more calories at the same time.
Even the aroma of spicy dishes is potent enough to encourage smaller bites of your meal. For those not used to spicy foods, the effects are stronger!


8. Eat More Slowly

The benefits of chewing slowly have been studied number times. Longer chewing patterns result in a greater release of natural appetite regulating hormones. As a result, it decreases calories consumed by increasing fullness.
Chewing and swallowing quickly is a common habit. Try slowing down and you will notice yourself naturally eating less!

9. Record Your Diet

Keeping a food journal is the most effective way to raise awareness of your diet. You may be surprised at the amount of food you consume, or by the number of unhealthy choices! Many nutritionists have noted that this simple act hacks the mind and encourages weight loss habits.

Related: The 3 Week Diet Video Review
Start by jotting down your meals and reviewing it at the end of the week. Take it to the next step by counting calories using one of the many food journal applications.

10. Find Ways to Remind Yourself

When going out for a meal with friends, it’s easy to get carried away and blow much of our weight loss efforts. But setting yourself a small personal reminder can be an effective way to prevent overindulgence.
An old trick used by women in France was to tie a ribbon around their stomach before going out. This helped them stay aware of their tummies, especially if it began to get tighter!

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