Saturday, May 27, 2017

Unbiased 7 Steps to Health and the Diabetes Lie Review

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Unbiased 7 Steps to Health and the Diabetes Lie Review

Type 2 Diabetes is one of the increasing dreadful diseases all around the world, yet the most of the people are unaware of its severe symptoms. Many of these diabetes sufferers rely on the medication for survival, which of course is more expensive. However, the pain and suffering do not go to end forever. If you are looking for the natural way to cure your diabetes, then, you need to read this The Big Diabetes Lie review.The Big Diabetes Lie is the new diabetes breakthrough program that normalizes your blood sugar levels, fixing your insulin resistance, stop your neuropathy pain, prevent your blindness, amputations, and any other diabetes problems. This program includes all the effective techniques that have been used successfully by tens of thousands of people more than 40 countries. It will eliminate your type 2 diabetics without any insulin injections, drugs while also reduce your drug and injection dosages. This program will reverse your type 2 diabetes from its root cause. This program will show you some of the essential secrets on how to increase your insulin level with this natural method, healthy foods and easy exercises to do at home. This program has helped 17,542 type 2 diabetes end the need for the prescription drugs, insulin injections or blood sugar monitoring.


What is The Big Diabetes Lie?

The Big Diabetes Lie is the comprehensive book with more than 500 pages that are loaded with essential information that helps you to improve your overall health dramatically and also reverse your type 2 diabetes permanently in only several weeks. This program is the scientifically proven method that reverses your type 2 diabetes which also normalizes your blood sugar levels, improves your insulin sensitivity, end your neuropathy pain, reduces risk of blindness, amputations and also taken off your diabetes drugs and insulin injections. This program has been created by Max Sidorov. This program is verified by scientists from all around the world proving on how you can easily prevent, treat, and eliminate your type 2 diabetes with no drugs, are just figments of your imagination.

This program will reveal the real hidden truth about the pharmaceutical companies lies that have been tried to persuade that only medicine can cure and treat your diabetic disease. You will know about the doctor feedback and the protocol. This program will eradicate your diabetes with the few simple steps. Inside this program, it will teach you on how to reverse your type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, and hundreds of any other ailments. The given methods are well-known to regulate your blood sugar level, also manage your insulin resistance, and block your neuropathy pain.

How Does The Big Diabetes Lie Work?


The Big Diabetes Lie will provide you in-depth detailed information on how to reverse your type 2 diabetes thoroughly. This program will identify the healthy foods that can also exacerbate the conditions of your diabetes. This program will allow you to achieve the right balance in your diet. This program will help you to easily understand the right ways of the nutrition has a far greater impact on what the pharmaceutical industry call diabetes. Inside this program, you will be educated that you by the effects of sugar, meat, also refined white flour, fat and you will easily understand the harmful stresses that are sometimes put on your body. This program will eliminate your intake of these harmful toxins which will help you body the good chance to heal itself and also reverse your type 1 diabetes.

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This program will provide you all the necessary foods to improve your healthy system. By using this program, you will easily grab the special attention to the low-fat food and also get advises readers to lessen the fast food and white foods such as gluten which includes grains and white pasta. This program will improve your complete strength and overall body immune system. Everything has been done well without the help of insulin and other treatment. It is the good opportunity for banishing your diabetics to learn the real things about their ailment and to know the best effective way to deal with the diabetic situation without having to use any prescription drug or insulin injections. program will provide you the techniques to get the natural proven cures for your diabetes diseases and also use the supplements to improve your healing process. This program will work on the root cause of your diabetes disease and also the fixed from the inside as well as out. In this method, it includes the healthy food works exactly twice better than men forming the leading diabetes drug at eradicating the rate of your diabetes. This program will regulate your full hormone system and also stimulate your pancreas is to work and function regularly. This program will open your eyes and also restore your confidence levels to reduce your type 2 diabetes.

What will you get from The Big Diabetes Lie?
  • Step-By-Step: The Big Diabetes Lie is the step-by-step program that people who have to suffer from diabetes can use to more safely and highly effectively keep your glucose levels under control. This program eradicates your incidences of the most dreadful diseases by also consume small vitamins, as the natural proven by numerous studies all around the world. It will advise you on how healthy foods you must consume and shouldn’t eat.
  • Natural Remedies: Inside this program, you will discover the natural remedies and proven treatment can really reverse your diabetes. Here, you can also safely decrease your cholesterol level by 25-30% in the most natural way. This program will give you the right foods and also eliminate your neuropathy pain in 81% of the patients.

  • Type 2 Diabetes: The program is specially developed for the patients who have to suffer from Type 2 diabetes, as well as for those in the pre-diabetic state who wish to stop further progression of your disease. Here, you can reduce all of your type 2 diabetes symptoms so that you will be able to enjoy your healthy lifestyle once again
  • Important Information: Inside this program, it covers each single piece of useful information about your diabetes and how to more effectively cure it forever. This information includes on how to use healthy lifestyle and simple diet modifications to make sure your immune system, effectively control your blood sugar, and also treat your type 2 diabetes.

Bonus Packages:
  • 7 Steps to Health Nutrition Guide
  • The Secrets Of Antioxidants
  • Miracle Of Sleep
  • MSG and your Health
  • Amazing Health From Water


  • The Big Diabetes Lie will provide you all the information which is loaded into the easily understandable as simple to implement in daily life.
  • Inside this program, you will get the healthy recipes which are really hygienic for your health.
  • This program gives you all the tips and tricks on how to fight against your diabetes through proper diet, meal plans, and also exercise routines.
  • It will help you to balance your blood sugar levels and also be the preferred fuel source for your whole body.
  • Here, you will also the practical tool to support and also motivation which you have to cure your diabetes.
  • This program is all the proven natural method that does not include any drug or surgery.
  • Inside this program, you will get the healthy diet plan and the list of the healthy food to follow in daily routine.
  • You will learn on how to improve your thyroid function by adding the essential minerals into your diet.
  • Within three weeks, you will be easily reverse your diabetes.
  • This method is really cheap and highly affordable when compared to the medication and any other types of treatments.

  • Expecting The Big Diabetes Lie by Max Sidorov to reverse your diabetic condition overnight is totally unreasonable, as this program is Not the magical solution for your Type 2 diabetes. Before you purchase it, you have to ask yourself if you really have the discipline, determination, and also the ability to precisely follow Max SIdorov’s instructions and also recommendations to make the program actually works for you.
  • The Big Diabetes Lie comes in a digital format that can be either easily downloaded or visualized online, which can be a high let-down for patients with the slower Internet connections, or for lovers of the traditional printed books.



I really believe that The Big Diabetes Lie is the highly-recommended eBook that all type 2 diabetic can easily get benefit from it. Inside this program, you will be permanently reverse and also free of the type 2 diabetes without any drugs or medication. When you have type 2 diabetes, almost everything in your life that completely affected. Not only your health but also your physical appearance and social life. Then, you may feel so frustrated and worried every time because of your disease and its complications. The best part of this program, is that help you to bring back your freedom and also happiness in your life because there you never have to worry about any tough medication or deprive yourself of any food whenever you follow this program.

Inside this program, you will get 100% refund guarantee from and also limited period offer. So grab this nice opportunity to get cure the natural effective to reverse your type 2 diabetes for good, then The Big Diabetes Lie will be the best option for you. I truly Hope that you got all of the facts you required to make an informed decision. So that you have a healthy and happy life forever!

Related: Mango, Lemon, and Pineapple Water

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


This amazing drink will help you lose 4kg and reduce your waist size to 4 inches in just seven days.

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • Fresh ginger
  • 8 cups of filtered water

Wash the lemon well and cut into halves. Slice the halves and put them in a bowl with water. Then, peel the cucumber and cut it on circle slices. Put the slices in the water and add the fresh mint leaves. Next, peel the ginger and grind it in the mixture. Stir well and cover with a lid. Put the resulting mixture in the fridge and leave it overnight.

Drink the beverage whenever you are thirsty and soon you will notice the results. It may sound unbelievable, but you should try and see. You will lose 4kgs in just one week.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Fruit Infused Water Instead Of Fruit Juice

7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Fruit Infused Water Instead Of Fruit Juice

Ever since we were children, we’ve had it instilled in us that drinking all of our juice is a good thing. Unfortunately, this is a giant misconception, and not the case at all. It’s been proven that fruit juices, especially the juice you pick up from the grocery store, is not good for us. This is going to sound scary, but fruit juice is absolutely loaded with sugar, and it’s all going to become fat in your body. This is the case both with fresh fruit juice, as well as packaged fruit juice.

Related: Fruit Infused Water Bottle and Pitcher Reviews

It’s true that it’s healthy to eat fresh fruit, but when it comes to drinking fruit juice, you’re actually taking in a ton of fructose sugar that is going to wreak havoc inside your body. It will raise you insulin levels, your metabolism is going to slow down, it can contribute to diseases, and it will contribute to weight gain. In short, fruit juice is bad for you, and even natural sugars are bad.
This is one of the reasons that many people have turned to infusing their water with natural ingredients; such as fruit. With fruit infused water, you’ll be able to drink water that tastes just like your favorite fruits, but without the added sugars and calories. Granted, fruit infused water isn’t going to pack the nutritional punch that an entire piece of fruit or some freshly squeezed juice, but a lot of those nutrients will seep from the fruit into the water.

Fruit Infused Water vs Fruit Juice

Below, we’re going to go over a list of the benefits of infused water over fruit juice, which will hopefully allow you to see that there’s a clear advantage to drinking infused water over sugary fruit juice.

1. The Flavor is Phenomenal

Now, you’d think that fruit juice and infused water would actually taste the same when compared to each other, but that’s not the case at all. The fruit juice is actually going to taste watered down, while the flavor of the infused water is going to taste amazingly tangy, bright, and fruity. Even after a simple 15 minute infusion, you’ll notice a major difference.

Related: Skinny Detox Water


2. It Simply Looks Better

Hey, facts are facts, and infused water actually looks better than fruit juice. As we all know, we don’t just consume things with our sense of taste, but we also consume with our eyes, as well. If you see something that actually looks better, and healthier, you’re going to be more inclined to consume it. This will lead to you consuming more water, which will lead to you being hydrated.

3. There’s Less Calories

Granted, fruit juice is certainly nutritious, but it also comes packed with sugars and calories. Infused water doesn’t have anywhere near the amount of calories, as you’re only getting the juice from the fruit in your water, rather than eating the piece of fruit.

Related: 10 Ways To Make Healthy Fruit-Infused Waters

4. It Requires Less Fruit

Simply put, you have to use a ton of fruit in a juicer to get anything of substance. Did you know that in order to get one whole glass of orange juice out of a juicer, you have to typically use four whole oranges? This equates to over 240 calories that you’re going to consume. However, just three orange slices is enough to infuse a glass of water adequately.

5. Preparation is so Much Easier

Let’s face it, we’re a civilization that’s constantly on the go. In this day and age, we expect things to be fast. If something proves to be too much hassle, we’re typically going to give up on it for something easier. Prepping a juicer is hard work, and that’s putting it lightly. However, you can infuse a glass of water with fruit in mere seconds. That way, you can be out the door before you know it. If you have a fruit infuser water bottle then it’s even easier, you can keep it with you wherever you go which will also help you stay hydrated.

Related: Classic Cucumber Water

6. There’s Virtually No Cleaning Involved

Cleaning a juicer is not a fun thing to do in any sense of the word. It can be a nightmare, to put it bluntly, which leads to most people shelving their expensive juicer — never seeing the light of day again. Infusing your water is incredibly simple, and there’s virtually no cleaning involved. Simply toss your glass and / or bottle in the dishwasher and you’re finished.

Related: Quick And Easy Oil Diffuser Tips

7. You’ll Hydrate Yourself Much Easier

If you want to lead a healthy life, you know how important staying hydrated is both physically and mentally. With fruit infused waters, you’ll find that staying hydrated is actually quite easy. Granted, drinking some fresh juice out of a juicer can provide you with hydration, it’s likely going to be a one time drink. However, you can make an entire batch of fruit infused water and drink it all day, so you stay hydrated through-out the entire day, and as we all know, there are many benefits to staying hydrated.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Quick And Easy Oil Diffuser Tips

Diffusing essential oils is unquestionably one of the most effective ways for you and your loved ones to experience countless benefits from an essential oil. Oil diffusers break down essential oils into tiny particles that are dispersible into big and/or small indoor spaces with just a few drops. Using them is not only an amazing for aromatherapy but also creating a relaxing and fresh environment to live in.

Different varieties of oil diffusers exist in the market today. The good thing is that using each one of them is very easy. Nevertheless, every type of diffuser brings with its own method of utilizing in order to help you reap maximum benefits.
Do you want to obtain the most from your essential oil diffuser? If yes, then you need to ensure that you follow these oil diffuser tips:

1. Always Avoid Mixing Blends

Essential oil blends are a combination of different oils tailored for a certain purpose. A blend might contain anywhere from three to more than fifteen essential oils. Therefore, you should never mix two blends in a diffuser.
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The prudent thing to do is to experiment with mixing singles. Alternatively, you can an extra single to one blend if you’ve got a precise purpose in mind. Here’s what you need to remember when searching for which essential oils to mix:
  • Blend & Blend = Avoid
  • Single & Blend = Good
  • Single & Single = Good

2. Always Use Low Mineral Water

Ever noticed the limescale that builds up in a kettle? It’s normally occasioned by minerals contained in tap water. The higher the content of minerals in the water, the harder the water is. That simply means that you’ll need to clean the kettle more often. So what’s the relationship with an essential oil diffuser?
The best essential oil diffusers normally contain a round disc that’s called the ultrasonic disc. The disc vibrates at countless times per second in order to split up the oil/water mixture to a fine mist that goes to the air. Similar to the kettle, with time the ultrasonic disc and diffuser suffer from limescale build up.
By utilizing low mineral water, you can minimize the buildup of scale inside the diffuser as well as on the disc. Consequently, you’ll often require less cleaning.

[See: Press Release 2 | New Weight loss Program Allows Dieters to Lose in 21 Days]

3. Always Use 4 – 6 Drops

Most essential oil diffuser manuals suggest that you use roughly 8 – 12 drops. According to researchers, this number is too high, especially for a standard sized room. The suggested amounts in a manual are handy for the large and open plan houses. If your rooms are standard sized, it’s prudent to use 4 -6 drops.

4. Strictly Use High-Quality Essential Oils

Essential oils normally come in dark and small bottles. You should keep off those that come in clear bottles because exposure to sunlight damages the oil. Additionally, skip brands that include ‘nature identical oil’ or ‘fragrance oil’ or ‘perfume oil.’ Finally, yet importantly, keep off bottles that feature a rubber dropper. That is because certain oils might degrade the dropper thus causing the rubber to contaminate the oil. After searching and finding a brand, which you can trust, it’s essential to stick to it. High-quality diffusers always produce top-notch oil blends and essential oils.

[See: 10 Foods That Will Help You Gain Healthy Weight]

5. Always Follow Cleaning Instructions

One of the mistakes many users of oil diffusers make is to improperly clean their devices. When you clean yours as expected, you’ll be able to enjoy more effective scent diffusion. Furthermore, it’ll help keep the device working optimally in the long haul.

6. Always Avoid Inhaling Directly

You must refrain from inhaling the mist inside an ultrasonic diffuser. If you inhale directly, you’ll introduce unwelcomed substances to the body. You can end up suffering intensely.

General Tips

  • You should always place your diffuser firmly and secure in an elevated position. The higher the position the better because the oil mist will be able to catch undesired substances and smells as it falls.
  • As you start diffusing oils, it’s prudent to begin with 15 – 30 minutes per day. After getting a feel of things, you should consider increasing to several more hours per day.


Essential oils boast the ability help your body detox. This is just one of the many benefits the oils bring with them. To reap the maximum benefits of using an oil diffuser, it’s paramount to adhere to the above-highlighted tips.

Get Rid Of The Dependence On Sweets, Clean Body From Parasites And Normalize Your Weight

Do you feel like you always crave for sweets? Unfortunately, most people (not just children) have sugar addiction. Have you ever wondered – Why?

There are two main reasons for this dependence. One of them is stress, but you could be craving due to parasites in your body. When a person eats a lot of sweets, he creates in his body the conditions for the accumulation of mucus. Next, fungi and bacteria begin reproducing in the mucus. According to statistics, one third of the population suffers from parasite infection and what is worse is that most of the time; the person doesn’t even realize they are there.

[ See: Press Release 3 | The #1 Reason Most Diets Fall]

Parasites that live in our body take away our energy. To make up for it, the body wants to eat something sweet, because that is glucose, which is contained in sweets, provides quick energy supplement to the body. At the same time with that, it is formed and the fatty layer, which also acts to protect the organism.
Generally, the more parasites the thicker the layer of fat. But, you can get rid of parasites, normalize your weight and disappears craving for sweets. And so, when the parasites stop taking your energy will disappear drowsiness, fatigue, headache, fatigue, normalize the metabolism and much more.

To cleanse the body of parasites or prevent them (even if you think you don’t have any parasites in your body), you have to do this procedure two times a year, once every six months. The most effective methods for this cleanse are popular folk remedies. One of them is the following:

[See: Will I Gain Weight From Eating Chicken & Broccoli?]

Cleaning the body from parasites – Flaxseed and Clove

Flaxseed and clove are effective in almost all types of parasites. To prepare the mixture for cleaning, it is necessary to take 10 parts linseed and 1 part dried flowers of cloves (ex.: 100 gr. flaxseed and 10 gr. clove). Altogether grind into powder in a coffee mill or purchase it.
Take each day of 2 flat tablespoons, for three days. The powder can be added to cooked food in one meal, or eat, and then drink a glass of warm water (preferably in the morning). After three days of taking this mixture, take a break for 3 days. Then repeat all over again. The mixture should be consumed in a month. Do not be confused by some of the reactions of the organism, such as itching, rash, herpes, discoloration stool, urine, or something else. If you notice this (not all), it is a sign that the cleansing is in progress.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

How To Remember 90% Of Everything You Learn

Wish you could learn faster?
Whether you’re learning Spanish, a new instrument, or a new sport, we could all benefit from accelerated learning. But the problem is, there’s only so much time in the day.
The key to accelerated learning is not just putting in more hours, but maximizing the effectiveness of the time spent learning.

The Bucket And Water Analogy

Let’s say you were to fill up a bucket with water. Most buckets should not have any problem retaining the water inside, until it starts overflowing at the top.

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But in reality, this isn’t how our brains function. In fact, most of the information that enters our brain leaks out eventually. Instead of looking at our brain’s memory as a bucket that retains everything, we should treat it for what it is: a leaking bucket.

While the leaky bucket analogy may sound like a negative connotation, it’s perfectly normal. Unless you were born with a photographic memory, our brains weren’t designed to remember every fact, information, or experience that we go through in our lives.

How To Remember 90% Of Everything You Learn

The development of the Learning Pyramid in the 1960’s — widely attributed to the NTL Institute in Bethel, Maine— outlined how humans learn.

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As research shows, it turns out that humans remember:
5% of what they learn when they’ve learned from a lecture (i.e. university/college lectures)
10% of what they learn when they’ve learned from reading (i.e. books, articles)
20% of what they learn from audio-visual (i.e. apps, videos)
30% of what they learn when they see a demonstration
50% of what they learn when engaged in a group discussion.
75% of what they learn when they practice what they learned.
90% of what they learn when they use immediately (or teach others)

[See: 3 Things That Help Reduce Belly Fat ]
Yet how do most of us learn?
Books, classroom lectures, videos — non-interactive learning methods that results in 80-95% of information going in one ear and leaking out the other.
The point here is that instead of forcing our brains on how to remember more information with “passive” methods, we should focus our time, energy, and resources on “participatory” methods that have proven to deliver more effective results, in less time.
This means that:
  • If you want to learn how to speak a foreign language, you should focus on speaking with native speakers and gain immediate feedback (instead of mobile apps)
  • If you want to get in shape, you should work with a personal fitness trainer (instead of watching Youtube workout videos)
  • If you want to learn a new instrument, hire a local music teacher in your city
Ultimately, it comes down to this…

Time Or Money?

How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t have time to do X…”

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I’m certainly guilty of this myself, as I’ve made excuse after excuse about the lack of time I have in my life.
But time is the greatest equalizer of all. No matter who we are, where we are in the world, or how much we strive for efficiency, there are only 24 hours in each day. Every single minute is unique, and once it’s gone, it can never be regained, unlike money.

“You May Delay, But Time Will Not.”
― Benjamin Franklin
So if we all have 24 hours in a day, how do we explain the success stories of young millionaires that started from nothing, or a full-time student going from beginner to conversation fluency in Spanish after just 3.5 months? They learned how to maximize for effectiveness instead of only efficiency.

 Related: Break-through Weight Loss Program Helping Dieters Lose Up to 23 Pounds in Just 21 Days!
Let’s say person A spent one hour learning a language and retained 90% of what they learned. And person B spent nine hours learning and retained 10% of what they learned. Doing simple math, person B spent 9x more time learning than person A, only to retain the same amount of information (A: 1 * 0.9 = B: 9 * 0.1).
While the exact numbers can be debated, the lesson is clear. The way to have more time is not to go for small wins, like watching 5-minute YouTube tutorials instead of 15-minutes, but to go for big wins, like choosing the most effective method from the beginning. Or constantly relying on free alternatives, when investing in a premium solution can shave off months, if not years, worth of struggles, mistakes, and most importantly, time.
It’s making the most out of the limited time we have by focusing on solutions that deliver the most impact, and saying no to everything else.

The ability to retain more knowledge in an age of infinite access to information and countless distractions is a powerful skill to achieve any goal we have faster.
By learning how to remember more information everyday, we can spend less time re-learning old knowledge, and focus on acquiring new ones.
We’re all running out of time, and today is the youngest you’ll ever be. The question is: how will you best spend it?

10 Fascinating, Science-Backed Mind Tricks For Weight Loss

By: Joseph Summers
Many of us are already aware of this fact, the only way to lose weight is through the correct balance of calories in vs calories out.
All successful weight loss programs result in a caloric deficit, by burning more calories than consumed. The healthiest approaches combine nutritious diets with full-body workout routines. Gradual weight loss is then a product of consistency.
As you probably know by now, this is far easier said than done! Our bodies resist these lifestyle changes, especially in the beginning. With cravings and hunger as mighty adversaries, sticking to your healthy diet becomes a battle of will.
However, these 10 ingenious mind tricks for weight loss will enable you to conquer the mind, stay consistent and achieve the slimmer body you desire!

[See: The Biggest Loser 7-Day Diet Plan]

1. Harness the Power of Blue

As far fetched as this one sounds, surrounding yourself by the color blue could significantly suppress your appetite. One study found that eating in a blue room reduced food consumption by up to 33%! The color blue triggers the brain by making food appear less appealing.
Try eating with blue plates or even a blue tablecloth and see if you notice an effect on your appetite. Avoid colors yellow, red and orange, they will increase its appeal!

2. Position Yourself Opposite a Mirror

Another seemingly bizarre weight loss trick is to sit opposite a mirror. Yet, one study found it can reduce food consumption by up to a third! It’s believed that being able to see yourself makes you judge yourself objectively. As a result, you will keep tighter control over your eating.
Increased levels of guilt associated can even decrease the taste of junk food. So if you must eat something unhealthy, make sure you sit in front of a mirror!

Many restaurants purposefully create atmospheres that encourage customers to eat more. From dim lighting that lowers eating inhibitions to background music that speeds up the chewing of food.
Try creating the opposite environment, you’ll be amazed how much less you will eat. Keep the lights bright and the music off at dinner time!

[See: The 7-Day Canyon Ranch Spa Diet]

4. Burn a Vanilla Candle

As mentioned earlier, neutral sweet scents can dispel hunger and cravings. The aroma of Vanilla is another way to trick the mind for weight loss. In a study of 160 people, scented patches encouraged an average loss of 4lbs.
Simply burning a vanilla scented candle at dinnertime could save you from craving dessert!

5. Snack on Neutral Sweet Foods

Notice how the sugary-sweet smell of chocolate immediately makes you feel hungry? Well, neutral sweet odors have been seen to have the opposite effect by suppressing appetite.
When the urge to snack becomes too great, grab a neutral-sweet fruit such as bananas or apples. They are nutritious, wholesome and almost impossible to overindulge!


6. Reduce the Size of Plates and Bowls

As trivial as this sounds, using smaller plates triggers a powerful mind trick for weight loss. Downsizing actually enables you to decrease your portion size without affecting your feeling of fullness.
Try this clever trick for yourself by stepping down from a 12″ to a 10″ plate, you’ll be surprised to see your meal satisfaction remain the same!

7. Spice Up Dishes

Taking a walk on the spicy side of the kitchen is another expected mind hack. Studies found that cayenne pepper decreases appetite and may kick up your metabolism. So you’ll subconsciously consume less and burn more calories at the same time.
Even the aroma of spicy dishes is potent enough to encourage smaller bites of your meal. For those not used to spicy foods, the effects are stronger!


8. Eat More Slowly

The benefits of chewing slowly have been studied number times. Longer chewing patterns result in a greater release of natural appetite regulating hormones. As a result, it decreases calories consumed by increasing fullness.
Chewing and swallowing quickly is a common habit. Try slowing down and you will notice yourself naturally eating less!

9. Record Your Diet

Keeping a food journal is the most effective way to raise awareness of your diet. You may be surprised at the amount of food you consume, or by the number of unhealthy choices! Many nutritionists have noted that this simple act hacks the mind and encourages weight loss habits.

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Start by jotting down your meals and reviewing it at the end of the week. Take it to the next step by counting calories using one of the many food journal applications.

10. Find Ways to Remind Yourself

When going out for a meal with friends, it’s easy to get carried away and blow much of our weight loss efforts. But setting yourself a small personal reminder can be an effective way to prevent overindulgence.
An old trick used by women in France was to tie a ribbon around their stomach before going out. This helped them stay aware of their tummies, especially if it began to get tighter!

Related: Classic Cucumber Water
